This data base tools written in Python can be used with openHAB data bases. This is tested now with Python 3 and openHAB 3 and 4 The scripts are supporting:
Data Base Maintenance:
- Deleting of all entries from data base which are older than a configurable number of days
- Calculation of the data base size
- Create data bases statistic sheet with all you items and how much data they have stored in the openHAB data base
openHAB Database Backup and Restore:
- Reads all exiting items from openHAB over REST API and identifies the matching SQL tables with the data
- Write the data of each item to a json file, with the names and types of the item in the file name
- Zips all data to file with with timestamp in the name
- Precondition: New openHAB installation already running and items tables exist in the data base (openHAB started ones)
- Reads all exiting items from openHAB over REST API, identifies the matching SQL tables with data and the matching json file from the given backup zipfile. Background: The table names are diffrent in the data base, but they are found over the item name and type. Only if both 100% matches the data is used.
- Write the data from the json file to the new corresponding tables
Creating Spreadsheets (
- Spreadsheets with items history. You get an csv file with the history of a list of openHAB items combined in one sheet with timestamps.
Creating Timesheets of switch items. Together with GPS tracking this can be used to show entering and leaving of configured GPS areas but it can also for other use cases: (How long my Kitchen Light switched on every day?).
- Creating monthly CSV files from data base entries for openHAB switch items
GPS Tracking of openHAB users
- Creating a daily GPS track of the configured users of the oppenHAB instance (gpx format)
The following features must be supported by your openHAB instance that the scripts are working.
- openHAB installation (tested with OH2.4 or newer)
- Instance must be connected to myopenhab with openHAB cloud connector
- Running persistance with SQL data base (tested with mariadb over jdbc data persistance)
- Python installation on openHAB server with the following additional python packages
- mysqldb (Install with
sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
or pleasesudo apt-get install python3-mysqldb
for python 3. On Windows givepip install mysqlclient
a try.) - geopy (Intsall with
python -m pip install geopy
for python 2 orpython3 -m pip install geopy
for python 3)
- mysqldb (Install with
- If you want to use the gps tracking scripts you need the openHAB gps tracking addon and for example Owntracks mobile app to send your location to your openHAB instance.
You must do the following steps to install this project on your openHAB system.
Download zip from this repository and copy all files to your openHAB config folder located at /etc/openhab2
for OH2 and /etc/openhab
for OH3. Then:
- Make sure that the files are readable for your openHAB user
- Make sure that the python scripts in
are executable
- If you want to use GPS tracks:
- Adapt your GPS locations and naming to your needs in file
and rename it to/etc/openhab/things/gps.things
- Adapt the naming to your needs in files
- Adapt the naming and cron job timing to your needs in files
and rename it to/etc/openhab/rules/dbtools.rules
- Adapt the naming to your needs in files
- Adapt your persistance configuration, that item locationOliverString (example) is stored in your data base on every change!"
- Adapt your GPS locations and naming to your needs in file
- If you don't want to use GPS Tracking just do:
- delete or rename
- disable (comment)
section in/etc/openhab/scripts/dbtools.ini
(see also
- delete or rename
In /etc/openhab/scripts/dbtools.ini
you find the configuration of the python scripts. First you need to configure your data base. Adapt host if you do not have a local installation and adapt user, password and table which us used by your openHAB instance:
#host address of the db server:
#openHAB table:
#openHAB data base user:
#openHAB data base password
Than you need to configure where the created file shall be stored and which delimiter you want to use for Excel CSV files.
#root path for all created files
#uncomment this when you have a german Excel Version. default is ','
Note: Excel versions for different countries load CSV files different. if you use a English Excel version the default delimiter ',' works fine. For German Excel versions you use better ';'. This can be set with the delimiter= value.
#uncomment this when you have a german Excel Version
In the [maintenance] section you can update the value how much history your data base should keep. The value of days=90 means that the dbmaintenance will delete every 1st day of the month all entries in the openHAB table which are older than 90 days.
#number of days to keep in data base
With the script you can create a CSV table which contains the data of all your items and their data base index, how much entries they have in the data bases and the date and time of the oldest and newest entry in your DB. You can run this script from command line. All the configuration is read from dbtools.ini. The created file is called openHABdbStat.csv and can be found in the configured root path (as standard is /etc/openhab/data/
The script does the following:
- Request all items over the REST API from the localhost openHAB installation
- Read all entries from the openHAB data base
- Add all active items seen on REST API to the table and check how many data is in the data base for each item
- Finally add also the items from the database to the table which are not active in openHAB any more (old deleted or renamed items)
You can create up to 9 different GPS tracks of different users every day. This files are stored in gpx format and configured over the [dailyTrackX] sections where X can be a number from 1-9.
#path where the tracks are stored
#item to create daily track (must be of type string)
#name for this tracks. Used only in GPX filenames.
This creates for every day a GPX file with the current date. Creation starts by default at 6am but can be changed in cron job configuration of rule dbtools every day job in file /etc/openhab/rules/dbtools.rules
. Tis config creates for example files like: 2019-12-24-Oliver.gpx
in directory /etc/openhab/data/Tracks/2019/12
Note: OpenHAB does not store GPS locations (item type Location) in the data base. You need to convert them to string and store this string over your persistence. This is done with the rule store location
in file /etc/openhab/rules/dbtools.rules
. This rule is triggered by any location change. If you want to adapt that accuracy of the way points in your tracks. Please adapt AccuracyTheshhold value (in meters). Only locations with an accuracy lower than this value are stored in the data base.
val Number AccuracyThreshold = 100
You can create up to 9 different time sheets of different switches every month. This files are stored in csv format and configured over the [timeSheetX] sections where X can be a number from 1-9. This is useful to create your personal time sheet when you enter and leave work.
#path where the time sheet ist strored
#item to create time sheet (must be of type switch)
#name of the timesheet. Used in CSV filenames.
#column names for switch states (default: "on"/"off")
#column name with Total value (default: "total")
total=Working hours
#column name with date value (default: "date")
#number of events in table (default=2)
This example creates for every month CSV files like this: /etc/openhab/data/TimeSheet/2019/2019-12-AtWork.csv
for the switch item OliverAtWork
The sheet contains a row for every day with a number of ON<->OFF events (here events=2) and a total time where the switch was in state ON.
With on=,off=,total= and date= the naming of the columns can be adapted. This example configuration will look like this:
Date | Enter | Leave | Enter | Leave | Working hours |
2019-12-01 | 08:50 | 18:43 | 8.45 h | ||
2019-12-01 | 08:49 | 12:18 | 12:38 | 18:25 | 9.25 h |
... | ... | ||||
Working hours | 17.70h |