CIRCE is a cohort definition and syntax compiler tool for OMOP CDMv5
Тимлид – это ❄️, потому что в каждой компании он уникален и неповторим.
This is an R package and Java library for rendering parameterized SQL, and translating it to different SQL dialects.
Web application for distributing and browsing the Standardized Vocabularies for all instances of an OMOP CDM
Definition and DDLs for the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM)
[under development] a open repository to host ARACHNE Common UI components
Commons module contains common code re-used between all Arachne components
Automated Characterization of Health Information at Large-scale Longitudinal Evidence Systems (ACHILLES) - descriptive statistics about a OMOP CDM database
OHDSI WebAPI contains all OHDSI services that can be called from OHDSI applications
Network infrastructure for collaborative studies across disparate data nodes and researches
Arachne Central middle-tier including Service API.
Arachne Execution Engine is a component used to execute remote SQL or R code. It is used by both Arachne Data Node as well as WebAPI
Arachne Data Node is a component that facilitates connection and communication between local databases and Arachne Central
ATLAS is an open source software tool for researchers to conduct scientific analyses on standardized observational data