processinfo is a package that lets you get process stats, such as overall CPU utilization and memory usage.
- Ability to get process information every N seconds.
- Easy-to-use interface.
- Supports Linux and Windows.
go get
func GetMemoryUsage(pid int) (uint64, error) {
return processinfo.Get(pid).Memory
// This is a preferred way of getting accurate overall CPU usage of a process.
// This function will return an average for the given time duration.
// It will also block the execution for 'sampleTime' duration.
func GetAverageProcessorUsage(pid int, sampleTime time.Duration) float64 {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
infoChannel := processinfo.NewSampler(ctx, pid, sampleTime)
info := <-infoChannel
return info.CPU
// Print process information every 5 seconds until the context ends.
func WatchProcess(ctx context.Context, pid int) {
infoChannel := processinfo.NewSampler(ctx, pid, time.Second * 5)
for info := range infoChannel {
fmt.Printf("Process %d:\n CPU: %.2f%%\n Memory: %dbytes\n", pid, info.CPU, info.Memory)
This package was created for use in gofu, a modern process manager. Check it out for examples on how to use this package.
This code is available under the MIT license, allowing for free use, modification, and distribution.