This is just a simple demo that shows how to use "Font Awesome 5" with "Apache Flex":
Use "Font Awesome 5" within your "Apache Flex" application in four steps, it's pretty straightforward:
Download FontAwesome5
Grap the *.otf files from the "use-on-desktop" directory and paste it into your Flex project
Apply the fonts by some style declaration
<fx:Style> @namespace s "library://"; @namespace mx "library://"; @font-face { src: url("fonts/FontAwesome5FreeRegular400.otf"); fontFamily: FontAwesome5Regular; embedAsCFF: true; } @font-face { src: url("fonts/FontAwesome5FreeSolid900.otf"); fontFamily: FontAwesome5Solid; embedAsCFF: true; } @font-face { src: url("fonts/FontAwesome5BrandsRegular400.otf"); fontFamily: FontAwesome5Brands; embedAsCFF: true; } </fx:Style>
Notice that spaces and hyphens are removed from the origin *.otf file names here.
Use it with e.g. the spark Label component
<s:Label text="\uf058" fontFamily="FontAwesome5Regular" fontSize="100" color="#000000" />
Notice that you have to add a leading
to the icon code!
You find a list of all icons in the "Font Awesome 5" CheatSheet.
Thanks to the Font Awesome 5 team for the great work and for still providing a free version of it!