Create Yii2 basic application for deploy on Google App Engine (Flex Environment)
Flex Environment allows read and write on the directory sys_get_temp_dir()
, which allows Yii2 to use the runtime folder
However, static assets are uploaded into Google Storage for public access
(Advance branch adds local environment support and pretty url)
Instruction for advance branch :
- Create a Google Storage bucket with permission
Storage Object Viewer to allUsers
- Create a json key file for user
- Enable "Google App Engine Admin API"
- Enable "Google App Engine Flexible Environment"
- Enable "Cloud SQL API" on app engine project
- Enable "Google Service Management API"
- Enable cors on new storage bucket
$ echo '[{"origin": ["*"],"responseHeader": ["Content-Type"],"method": ["GET", "HEAD"],"maxAgeSeconds": 3600}]' > cors-config.json \
&& gsutil cors set cors-config.json gs://<your-bucket-name>
Clone project and install composer requirements
$ git clone
$ # For Advanced app, clone following branch instead
$ # git clone -b advanced
$ cd yii2-app-gae-flex
$ composer install
Copy and update configuration files
$ cp app.yaml.dist app.yaml
Update config/web.php
$ php -S localhost:8080 -t web/
$ gcloud app deploy —version [YOUR_VERSION_ID] —no-promote —project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID]
- Enable Cloud SQL API on app engine project
- Give Cloud SQL permission to app engine default service account email on Cloud SQL project
- A circular dependency is detected for bundle
- This error occurs when asset bundle is called twice. Once for front view, and once for error view.
* Use
to see the actual error without calling the error view
- This error occurs when asset bundle is called twice. Once for front view, and once for error view.
* Use