Version/Branch of Dear ImGui:
Version: 1.86
Branch: Unmodified release
Back-ends: Custom GLFW with BGFX
Compiler: Xcode
Operating System: MacOS Big Sur 11.6.2
My Issue/Question:
Depending on the flags passed to create a table, the sort icon in the last column is rendered in the wrong place.
- The sortable table demo uses ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable , ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuter, ImGuiTableFlags_BordersV and ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBody. This renders correctly.
- By removing the border (i.e. remove the ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuter, ImGuiTableFlags_BordersV and ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBody flags), the sort icon in the last column shifts a few pixels to the right.
- By also removing the ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable flag, the sort icon in the last column shifts out of view.
XXX (you can drag files here)
Standalone, minimal, complete and verifiable example: (see #2261)
Change lines 5054-5057 in imgui_demo.cpp from:
static ImGuiTableFlags flags =
ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable | ImGuiTableFlags_Reorderable | ImGuiTableFlags_Hideable | ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable | ImGuiTableFlags_SortMulti
| ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuter | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersV | ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBody
| ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollY;
static ImGuiTableFlags flags =
ImGuiTableFlags_Reorderable | ImGuiTableFlags_Hideable | ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable | ImGuiTableFlags_SortMulti
| ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg
| ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollY;