As a follow-up to #4748, I've managed to use a custom shader to set a rectangle to a different color as explained in the example shown in #4174. While doing this I've sent my shader class instance as a 2nd argument to ImDrawList::AddCallback()
and it worked fine.
Now I also want to send the texture to the same method in order to modify it. However, when I combine the shader program instance and the texture either in the same struct
or in an std::pair
and set AddCallback's 2nd argument to a pointer to this structure, I get a segmentation fault. I verified inside the lambda function that neither the program nor the texture were set (their ids were random), which wasn't the case when only the program shader instance was sent to the lambda function (via AddCallback).
Anyone familiar with ImDrawList
has an explanation for why only a single variable could be sent as AddCallback's first argument? or maybe I should proceed differently?
auto callback_data = std::make_pair(&m_program, &m_texture);
ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
draw_list->AddCallback([](const ImDrawList* parent_list, const ImDrawCmd* cmd) {
// function pointer based on lambda fct cannot capture variables (passed as arg below)
auto* callback_data = static_cast<std::pair<Program*, Texture2D*> *>(cmd->UserCallbackData);
Program* program = callback_data->first;
Texture2D* texture = callback_data->second;
std::cout << "texture: " << callback_data->second->id << '\n';
// projection matrix from viewport size (`GetDrawData()`: what to render)
ImDrawData* draw_data = ImGui::GetDrawData();
ImVec2 position = draw_data->DisplayPos;
ImVec2 size = draw_data->DisplaySize;
glm::mat4 projection2d = glm::ortho(0.0f, size.x, 0.0f, size.y);
std::cout << "position: " << position.x << " " << position.y << '\n';
std::cout << "size: " << size.x << " " << size.y << '\n';
// pass shaders uniforms
Uniforms uniforms = {
{"ProjMtx", projection2d},
{"texture", *texture}
}, &callback_data);
// }, &m_program);