az0t is a program written in java which allows automatic login and reconnection to zeroshell.
In order to work, az0t requires a fully functionnal java runtime environment. You can grab one here
Compiled binaries are available in
Edit the configuration with your username and password
$ vim config.xml
<username>example</username> # your username
<password>example</password> # your password
<zeroshell></zeroshell> # captive portal address
<delay>40</delay> # delay between each request
<realm></realm> # domain of your zeroshell
<section>CPGW</section> # section parameter
$ java -jar az0t.jar -c # generate default configuration file
$ java -jar az0t.jar -h # show help message
$ java -jar az0t.jar -m # start the monitor mode
The sources are available under the GNU-GPL v3.0 license. Howewer, this program use the jsoup library under the MIT license.
In case of bug, contact me via email, I will answer you ASAP.