Please see the 0.4.0 release notes for more!
- Add arrow mark. #657 #658 #38 #39
- Add vector mark (and corresponding length scale). #649 #407
- Add href and target standard options to all marks for generating hyperlinks. #645 #283
- Add symbol option to the dot mark (and corresponding symbol scale and legend). #41 #389 #649 #652
- The text mark now supports multline text; add lineAnchor and lineHeight options. #313 #327 #677
- Add frameAnchor option to the text, dot, and image marks. #686 #683
- Add default localized formatting for number and date values with the text and title channels. #476 #643
- Add default tabular numerals for number and date values with the text channel. #476 #643
- Add (generalized) select transform, allowing custom selector functions. #515 #656
- The text mark now supports fontSize being specified as a CSS length, keyword, or percentage. #378 #679
- The bin and group transforms now aggregate the title and href channels by default. #617 #674
- The bin transform now supports x1, x2, y1, and y2 reducers to access the bin extent. #613
- The window transform now supports first and last reducers. #635 #636
- The color scale now defaults to identity when all associated defined values are valid colors. #660 #673
- The color scale now defaults to light and dark grey when all associated defined values are booleans. #694
- Add Plot.scale method for generating standalone scales. #624 #639
- Add top-level clamp option for all scales. #339 #622
- Fix the image mark to respect the dx and dy options. #629
- Fix range inversion when margins and insets are too big. #616 #618 #640
- Fix buylrd color scheme when applied to an ordinal scale. #632
- Fix default domain for quantitative values to ignore infinite values. #528 #644
- Fix swatches legend to wrap in narrow windows. #614 #615
- Fix tickFormat option to display no labels when null. #620
- Fix crash when displaying a legend with an identity color scale. #661
- Fix constant boolean channels. #692
- Remove all circular imports. #619 #659
- Adopt Vite for local development, replacing Snowpack. #678
- [breaking] The text mark’s dx and dy options now behave the same as other marks and must be specified in pixels.
- [breaking] Plot now requires D3 ^7.3.0.