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document crosshair
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Fil committed May 23, 2023
1 parent 06bac48 commit ce185e5
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 4 deletions.
93 changes: 89 additions & 4 deletions docs/interactions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,106 @@
<script setup>

import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";
import * as d3 from "d3";
import alphabet from "../data/alphabet.ts";
import aapl from "../data/aapl.ts";
import penguins from "../data/penguins.ts";


# Crosshair mark

The **crosshair mark**
The **crosshair mark** shows the *x* (horizontal↔︎ position) and *y* (vertical↕︎ position) value of the point closest to the [pointer](./ on the bottom and left sides of the frame, respectively.

:::plot defer
marks: [, {x: "culmen_length_mm", y: "culmen_depth_mm", stroke: "sex"}),
Plot.crosshair(penguins, {x: "culmen_length_mm", y: "culmen_depth_mm"})

If either **x** or **y** is not specified, the crosshair is be one-dimensional.

:::plot defer
marks: [
Plot.tickX(penguins, {x: "body_mass_g"}),
Plot.crosshair(penguins, {x: "body_mass_g"})

For charts which have an independent variable, typically a time series with dates on the *x* axis, the crosshairX mark is recommended to track the horizontal position of the pointer.

:::plot defer
marks: [
Plot.lineY(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"}),
Plot.crosshairX(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"})

Conversely, for charts where the independent variable is along the *y* axis, the crosshairY mark is recommended to track the vertical position of the pointer.

:::plot defer
marks: [
Plot.barX(alphabet, {x: "frequency", y: "letter", fillOpacity: 0.25, sort: {y: "-x"}}),
Plot.crosshairY(alphabet, {x: "frequency", y: "letter", ruleStrokeOpacity: 1})

## Crosshair options

The following options are supported:

* **maxRadius** - reach of the crosshair pointer; defaults to 40 pixels
* **ruleStroke** - the rule color
* **textFill** - the text fill color
* **textStroke** - the text stroke color; defaults to *white* to improve legibility
* **color** - shorthand for setting both **ruleStroke** and **textFill**
* **ruleStrokeOpacity** - the rule stroke opacity; defaults to 0.2
* **ruleStrokeWidth** - the rule stroke width; defaults to 1
* **ruleStrokeOpacity** - the rule stroke opacity; defaults to 0.2
* **textStrokeOpacity** - the text stroke opacity; defaults to 1
* **textStrokeOpacity** - the text stroke width; defaults to 5
* **dx** - the horizontal shift of the text relative to the *y* axis, in pixels; defaults to -9
* **dy** - the vertical shift of the text relative to the *x* axis, in pixels; defaults to 9

## crosshair(*data*, *options*)

Plot.crosshair(flare, {path: "name", delimiter: "."})
Plot.crosshair(cars, {x: "economy (mpg)", y: "cylinders"})

Returns a new crosshair mark with the given *data* and *options*.
Returns a new crosshair for the given *data* and *options*, drawing horizontal and vertical rules centered at the point closest to the [pointer](./ The corresponding **x** and **y** values are also drawn just outside the bottom and left sides of the frame, respectively, typically on top of the axes. If either **x** or **y** is not specified, the crosshair will be one-dimensional.

## crosshairX(*data*, *options*)

Plot.crosshairX(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"})

Like crosshair, but uses the [pointerX](./ transform: the determination of the closest point is heavily weighted by the *x* (horizontal↔︎) position; this should be used for plots where *x* represents the independent variable, such as time in a time-series chart, or the aggregated dimension when grouping or binning.

## crosshairY(*data*, *options*)

Plot.crosshairY(alphabet, {x: "frequency", y: "letter"})

Like crosshair, but uses the [pointerY](./ transform: the determination of the closest point is heavily weighted by the *y* (vertical↕︎) position; this should be used for plots where *y* represents the independent variable, such as time in a time-series chart, or the aggregated dimension when grouping or binning.

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