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mbostock committed May 22, 2023
1 parent 3e9497a commit 410a7be
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Showing 22 changed files with 2,033 additions and 1,120 deletions.
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666 changes: 666 additions & 0 deletions

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1,186 changes: 113 additions & 1,073 deletions

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20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions docs/.vitepress/config.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import {defineConfig} from "vitepress";
import plot from "./markdown-it-plot.js";

// prettier-ignore
export default defineConfig({
title: "Observable Plot",
description: "The JavaScript library for exploratory data visualization",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,18 +58,19 @@ export default defineConfig({
{text: "Scales", link: "/features/scales"},
{text: "Projections", link: "/features/projections"},
{text: "Transforms", link: "/features/transforms"},
{text: "Interactions", link: "/features/interactions"},
{text: "Facets", link: "/features/facets"},
{text: "Legends", link: "/features/legends"},
{text: "Curves", link: "/features/curves"},
{text: "Formats", link: "/features/formats"},
{text: "Markers", link: "/features/markers"},
{text: "Shorthand", link: "/features/shorthand"},
{text: "Accessibility", link: "/features/accessibility"},
{text: "Accessibility", link: "/features/accessibility"}
text: "Marks",
collapsed: false,
collapsed: true,
items: [
{text: "Area", link: "/marks/area"},
{text: "Arrow", link: "/marks/arrow"},
Expand All @@ -94,13 +96,14 @@ export default defineConfig({
{text: "Rule", link: "/marks/rule"},
{text: "Text", link: "/marks/text"},
{text: "Tick", link: "/marks/tick"},
{text: "Tip", link: "/marks/tip"},
{text: "Tree", link: "/marks/tree"},
{text: "Vector", link: "/marks/vector"}
text: "Transforms",
collapsed: false,
collapsed: true,
items: [
{text: "Bin", link: "/transforms/bin"},
{text: "Centroid", link: "/transforms/centroid"},
Expand All @@ -117,6 +120,14 @@ export default defineConfig({
{text: "Tree", link: "/transforms/tree"},
{text: "Window", link: "/transforms/window"}
text: "Interactions",
collapsed: true,
items: [
{text: "Crosshair", link: "/interactions/crosshair"},
{text: "Pointer", link: "/interactions/pointer"}
search: {
Expand All @@ -131,8 +142,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
{icon: "youtube", link: ""}
footer: {
"Library released under <a style='text-decoration:underline;' href=''>ISC License</a>.",
message: "Library released under <a style='text-decoration:underline;' href=''>ISC License</a>.",
copyright: `Copyright 2020–${new Date().getUTCFullYear()} Observable, Inc.`
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion docs/.vitepress/theme/custom.css
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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
fill: var(--vp-c-bg-alt);

:root.dark marker[stroke="white"] {
:root.dark marker[stroke="white"],
:root.dark [aria-label^="crosshair"][stroke="white"] {
stroke: var(--vp-c-bg);

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75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions docs/features/
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@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
<script setup>

import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";
import * as d3 from "d3";
import {shallowRef, onMounted} from "vue";

const olympians = shallowRef([
{weight: 31, height: 1.21, sex: "female"},
{weight: 170, height: 2.21, sex: "male"}

onMounted(() => {
d3.csv("../data/athletes.csv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (olympians.value = data));


# Interactions

Interaction can allow readers to read values out of a plot (details on demand), or to fluidly change a view of data without having to edit code (zoom and filter). There are a variety of ways to achieve interaction with Plot, including built-in interaction features and development techniques with frameworks such as Observable and React.

## Pointing

When looking at a scatterplot, the reader may wonder, *what abstract values does this dot represent?*

The [pointer transform](../interactions/ can provide an answer: it dynamically [filters](../transforms/ a mark such that only the data closest to the pointer (such as the mouse) is rendered. The pointer transform is often paired with the [tip mark](../marks/ for interactive tooltips, revealing exact values as the pointer moves over the plot. The tip can show additional fields not otherwise visible, such as the *name* and *sport* of Olympic athletes below.

:::plot defer
```js, {
x: "weight",
y: "height",
stroke: "sex",
channels: {name: "name", sport: "sport"},
tip: true

The [crosshair mark](../interactions/ uses the pointer transform internally to display a [rule](../marks/ and a [text](../marks/ showing the **x** (horizontal↔︎ position) and **y** (vertical↕︎ position) value of the nearest data.

:::plot defer
marks: [, {x: "weight", y: "height", stroke: "sex"}),
Plot.crosshair(olympians, {x: "weight", y: "height"})

These values are displayed atop the axes on the edge of the frame; unlike the tip mark, the crosshair mark will not obscure other marks in the plot.

## Selecting

Support for selecting points within a plot through direct manipulation is under development. If you are interested in this feature, please upvote [#5]( See [#721]( for some early work on brushing.

## Zooming

Support for interactive panning and zooming is planned for a future release. If you are interested in this feature, please upvote [#1590](

## Animation

Support for declarative animation is planned for a future release. If you are interested in this feature, please upvote [#166]( See [#995]( for some early work on a **time** channel.

## Custom reactivity

With the exception of render transforms (see the [pointer transform]( implementation), Plot does not currently provide incremental re-rendering (partial updates to previously-rendered plots) or animated transitions between views.

That said, you can simply throw away an old plot and replace it with a new one! This allows plotting of dynamic data: data which can change in real-time as it streams in, or because it is derived in response to external inputs such as range sliders and search boxes.

On Observable, you can use [viewof]( in conjunction with [Observable Inputs]( for interactivity. If your cell references another cell, it will automatically re-run whenever the upstream cell’s value changes. For example, try dragging the slider in this [hexbin example]( In React, use [useEffect]( and [useRef]( to re-render the plot when data changes. In Vue, use [ref]( For more, see our [getting started guide](../

You can also manipulate the SVG that Plot creates, if you are comfortable using lower-level APIs; see examples by [Mike Freeman]( and [Philippe Rivière](
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/features/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -486,9 +486,12 @@ All marks support the following style options:
* **ariaHidden** - if true, hide this content from the accessibility tree
* **pointerEvents** - the [pointer events]( (*e.g.*, *none*)
* **clip** - whether and how to clip the mark
* **tip** - whether to generate an implicit [pointer](../interactions/ [tip](../marks/

If the **clip** option is *frame* (or equivalently true), the mark is clipped to the frame’s dimensions; if the **clip** option is null (or equivalently false), the mark is not clipped. If the **clip** option is *sphere*, then a [geographic projection](./ is required and the mark will be clipped to the projected sphere (_e.g._, the front hemisphere when using the orthographic projection).

If the **tip** option is true, a [tip mark](../marks/ with the [pointer transform](../interactions/ will be derived from this mark and placed atop all other marks, offering details on demand. If the **tip** option is set to *x*, *y*, or *xy*, [pointerX](../interactions/, [pointerY](../interactions/, or [pointer](../interactions/ will be used, respectively; otherwise the pointing mode will be chosen automatically.

For all marks except [text](../marks/, the **dx** and **dy** options are rendered as a transform property, possibly including a 0.5px offset on low-density screens.

All marks support the following optional channels:
Expand Down
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions docs/interactions/
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Crosshair mark

The **crosshair mark**

## Crosshair options

The following options are supported:

## crosshair(*data*, *options*)

Plot.crosshair(flare, {path: "name", delimiter: "."})

Returns a new crosshair mark with the given *data* and *options*.

## crosshairX(*data*, *options*)

## crosshairY(*data*, *options*)
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions docs/interactions/
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<script setup>

import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";
import * as d3 from "d3";


# Pointer transform

When a chart gives an overview of a dataset, we sometimes want to focus on a certain region of interest, for instance to obtain details about specific data points—such as outliers in a scatterplot.

**TODO** Most standard marks support the **tip** option, which enables a default interaction that displays, on demand, the channel values pertaining to the mark that the user points to.

example 1: *scatterplot with tip*

In the case of a simple encoding (say, position and color), these values are taken directly from the mark’s data. When a transform option (such as bin, group, etc.) is applied, the transformed channels (aggregate count, sum, top-5 modalities, etc.) are displayed instead.

example 2: *bar chart with tip*

More generally, interaction mechanisms expect a user gesture—such as pointing with the mouse or tapping on the screen, on mobile—and highlight the relevant point, or display details. In Plot, this is obtained by combining two distinct primitives. First, the interaction primitive listens to the browser events generated by user gestures and decides which data point (or points) is the target of the gesture—the selection. Second, a mark renders that selection. This composability is what allows, for example, the presentation of a fixed tip mark (without pointing), or conversely the highlighting of the *x* and *y* values of the data point selected by the user with a [crosshair](./ instead of a tip.

Plot currently supports one built-in interaction primitive, the *pointer*, which selects the data point that is the closest to the location of the mouse—or, on mobile, the closest to the location of a tap gesture. Combining it with the *tip* mark creates the default “tooltip” that shows the data values of that point in a callout box.

example 3: *pointer + dot*

## Brush
## Lasso
## Keyboard
## Zoom

## Pointer options

* **px**
* **py**
* **maxRadius**

If **px** is not specified, falls back to **x1**, **x2**, or **x**. If **py** is not specified, falls back to **y1**, **y2**, or **y**.

## pointer(*options*)

Plot.pointer({x: "Date", y: "Close"})

Given a position along *x* and *y*, adds a pointer interaction to the given *options*, and returns the options. The interaction selects the closest point to the user gesture. It listens to the pointermove and pointerenter events on the plot’s svg element to detect the mouse or tap location. It then selects the data point *i* that is closest to that location, and rerenders the mark with the index [*i*]. If the distance in pixels from the pointer location to the selected data point is greater than **maxRadius**, the selection is empty. The interaction also listens to pointerdown events, and toggles the sticky behavior. When the behavior is sticky, pointermove events are ignored—allowing the user, for example, to select and copy the text in the tip mark. The pointerout events (when the mouse exists the region of the plot), also empty the selection, and rerender the mark.

## pointerX(*options*)

Plot.pointerX({x: "Date", y: "Close"})

Given a position along *x* and *y*, adds an horizontal pointer interaction to the given *options*, and returns the options. This is similar to **pointer**, except that the distance is computed (mainly) along the *x* dimension—with a tiny contribution of the vertical distance along the *y* axis to disambiguate ties. Intended to work with any mark that privileges the horizontal dimension for pointing, such as a vertical bar chart, a temporal line chart where time is horizontal, etc.

## pointerY(*options*)

Plot.pointerY({x: "frequency", y: "letter"})

Given a position along *x* and *y*, adds a vertical pointer interaction to the given *options*, and returns the options. This is similar to **pointer**, except that the distance is computed (mainly) along the *y* dimension—with a tiny contribution of the horizontal distance along the *x* axis to disambiguate ties. Intended to work with any mark that privileges the vertical dimension for pointing, such as a horizontal bar chart.

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