- México City
Gonzalo Peña-Castellanos
🐍 Senior Software Engineer 🙌🏼 Open Sourcing @Quansight 🚀 Core-Dev @jupyterlab. 👷 Civil & Water Resources Engineer 🎸🎨 🇨🇴 ES/EN/FR - [he/him/el]
Quansight, Inc. / SIHSA Ltda Bogotá, Colombia
Trish Garibian
Welcome to bootstrap4.cc. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of open source frontend masterpieces.
bootstrap4cc Seattle
Alfonso D. Furlong
Professor and researcher at the Department of Psychology, BUAP, Mexico. Team leader of the Cognitive Processes and Mathematical Psychology research group.
Cognitive Processes and Mathematical Psychology research group. Department of Psychology, BUAP. Puebla, Mexico
PI at the Centre for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Science, focusing on Cosmology with emphasis on LSS, cosmic web, and peculiar velocities.
Polish Academy of Sciences
Sophia Tupolev
beame-insta-ssl is a new way to get free and secure tunneling. contact us!
Carlos Toxtli
PhD, Prof, Director of the Human-AI Empowerment Lab at Clemson University, Dad
Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Snapchat, GitHub, United Nations, Freelancer United States
José Moreira
Software Architecture, Security and Infrastructure | Open-Source <3
mosano.eu Póvoa de Varzim, Porto, Portugal