The Flipper Blackhat is a Linux based Flipper addon that enables WiFi attacks. It uses an Allwinner A33, which is a quad-core SoC connected to 1Gb of RAM. The board has two USB2 ports, and one USB-C, which is connected to an FTDI.
- [ ] TVS diodes on USB
- [ ] Reset button
- [ ] LED
- [ ] Mounting holes for mech
- [ ] Cost analasys
The project is licensed under the Creative Commons (4.0 International License) Attribution—Noncommercial—Share Alike license. This allows sharing and adapting material for non-commercial purposes, provided credit is given to the creator and adaptations are shared under the same terms. The material can be used in any format with necessary technical modifications, but no warranties are provided. The license prohibits imposing additional restrictions and ensures the rights are irrevocable as long as the terms are followed.
Make boards for youself, make boards for your friends, but please do not sell hundreds on them on Aliexpress. I'm selling boards here, the money made here goes back into this project, and other alike open source projects!