Issue Type
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Bug Report
Feature Request
Successfully reproduced against the latest version of NW.js?
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Current/Missing Behavior
I'm looking for something that will be able to encrypt and decrypt data for a machine. I see that electron has something like I've tried incorporating keytar (which is archived) or @azure/msal-node-extensions ( The latter was promising, but I couldn't get nwjs to run it. I was able to get it running in a node.js environment, but when I tried to get it to run using nwjs, it would stall out. When I tried to create a fork in nwjs into node.js, it also failed to load.
Expected/Proposed Behavior
There is a way to encrypt and decrypt data using something like DPAPI for windows.
Additional Info
- Operating System: Windows 11 Pro
- NW.js Version: 0.89.0
- Repro Link:
- Code snippet:
- Crash report: