An app that displays a list of all the world's countries and details about them. The list is searchable and the app has a dark mode feature.
The application was written using Kotlin and the Android Framework. The UI for the app was designed using XML with the Master/Detail design concept. It was built using the Single-Activity Architecture with multiple Fragments.
- Viewbinding - For easy access to individual UI views/components in code.
- ViewModel - For holding UI related data, separating it from UI code.
- LiveData - Used in conjunction with ViewModel for exposing UI data to the app's UI component (Activities/Fragments).
- Navigation Component - For setting up the navigation to and from different screens/destinations in the app.
- Retrofit - For making network calls to and fetching data from REST APIs.
- Glide - For loading images from remote sources.
- Coroutines - For performing long-running tasks (i.e network calls) on a background thread.
The major challenge I encountered was attempting to build the app and implement all the required features within the time limit. I had never implemented some of these features before and I had do quickly study online resources in order to do that.
- Offline caching
- Different languages
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