Taking time lapse videos from Prusa prints using esp32 camera and Node-RED.
Node-RED checks periodically if printer is up and printing. If it prints then Node-RED takes picture via web from esp32 camera, and stores it in local directory. After print images can be merged into a .mp4 movie.
- Overview
- Hardware Requirements
- Software Requirements
- Configuring esp32
- Configuring printer
- Configuring host
- Node-RED Flow configuration
- Capturing images and making video
- Further steps
- Hacking
Node-RED + mqtt in containers (docker), can also run directly on host
logic flow - capturing images to directory if printer is printing
rendering images into a movie using ffmpeg within node-red container
now whole process is within single flow, and you can run multiple flows if you have different printers/cameras
you can define default values per flow such as destination directory, printer address, camera address
if day change is detected (via UTC) then print counter is reset to zero after current print is finished
fetch image from camera only once
ffmpeg in container + shell script to merge images into a mp4 file
basic web ui dashboard, it's crap but provides core info :)
default docker-compose spawns fake prusa api and fake esp32 camera, this is great to test flows and adjust them without need of using real hardware
fixed issues with out of order frames
- if you deploy node-red flow then counter for daily print is reset, which results in files to be saved in already existing directories and video may not be rendered because it already exists, or it will be merged from old and new images (depends on the timelapse script options)
- you MUST configure node
general config
underon Startup
and set vars there
- screenshot taking/stopping and video render have some delay, this is intentional, first, it allows to add 'final' frame when printer head is away from print, second, it allows to not trigger actions on failed messages
- before rendering videos there is not much info on the dashboard
- video progress is showing yellow dot only if ffmpeg runs for over 10s
- can not get rendered video from the dashboard - out of scope -use other flows for that, there is one that allows to browse files via web ui , or just mount data dir as samba share etc
- if camera fetch error occurs there is no retry to fetch it, this is rather not an issue because ffmpeg will automatically detect incorrect images and will not add them to video
- rendered images and videos are not cleaned up, you must manage data dir on your own
Things that will not going to happen:
- adding code to list files for render videos/images in web ui; there are other better solutions there such as Csongor Varga code
? script to process dumped flow and strip sensitive data with jq, so that it can be added to git safely
? script to process flows from git with secrets.json to replace entries, also provide secrets.json.dist as an example for input with some comments
make v1 branch for current code
make v2 branch for future code, see below
replace trigger before gate with delay 25s, should help with those videos when print ends and print head is still over the printed item
save daily print counter state to avoid writing to existing directories
add timestamps to camera images with ImageMagick
detect camera errors + add retry
detect bad camera captuers + add retry
gcode per layer
button triggered by magnet
cable to esp32
code to esp32
? led on esp32 that images are still captured
how to deal with the corner case when printing very close to the button - use gcode to trigger on-board pins, is is supported by Prusa Mini?
Currenlty project fuflills the needs I wanted.
Recording some videos has this issue that print head movement is sometimes annoying and the only way to fix it is to use custom gcode to move print head per layer to specific place and then trigger an image capture.
Above can be done with physical button attached to esp32 which will trigger node-red event that will trigger the flow to capture image.
Still, this option is less invasive for me than other options like octoprint, because it requires only injecting specific gcode per layer.
- taking photo per layer and not every 10s when printing in some random location
- no more moving print head
- you can place print bed in desired position for example all forward
- no need to attach esp32 camera to print bed - no more blurred images due movement, and esp32 camera can be in one static spot, so the occupied space by printer is lower
- more complex - needs gcode, physical button (magnet triggered is the safest one), extra esphome code and node-red mqtt event node or similiar
- sligthly slower print - due gcode and extra print head/bed moves
- stringing - due gcode it may produce more filament strings, needs to adjust retraction for that phase