A bot for Discord that helps people to form pickup games (PUGs). Originally for Overwatch, but as the team size can be changed from settings, works with any team based game.
- Reads settings from appsettings.json (sample found in 'settings/appsettings.json')
- Gathers INSERT QUEUE SIZE amount of people to a queue
- Asks players to Ready up inside INSERT TIME seconds of time.
- Kicks unreadied players out of the queue.
- Decides 2 random team captains. Captainship requires INSERT THRESHOLD games to be played.
- Allows captains to pick INSERT QUEUE SIZE-2 amount of players to teams, either 1 by 1 or 1-2-2-2-2-1 (only tested with 12 players).
- Announces teams when all players have been picked.
- Keeps track of played games for users
- Keeps track of first picks of users
- Keeps track of last picks of users
- Keeps track of captainships of users
- Sorts users to top10 played list
- Sorts users to top10 last picked list
- Sorts users to top10 first picked list
- Allows fetching individual userstats card
- Follows a threshold of captainship, new players don't get randomed as captain.
- English
- Finnish
Technical information:
- Bot is running on Discore 4.2.0 (https://github.com/BundledSticksInkorperated/Discore)
- Project is running on .NET Core 2.0 https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/all
- Hosting can be run on Windows, Linux, OS X (Only Windows & OSX tested)
- See "settings/appsettings.json" for settings-file guidance.
- Example of running on Windows platform with logging to file can be found in "settings/RunAndLog.ps1"
- kitsun8 & pirate_patch of SuomiOW Discord (Finnish Overwatch community, https://discord.gg/tKezvfH)
Special thanks:
- tleikomaa for providing a captain threshold feature!
- pirate_patch for providing Persistent Data (top lists etc.)
- !add
- !remove / !rm
- !ready / !r
- !pick / !p
- !gatherinfo / !gi
- !gstatus / !gs
- !f10 / !fat10
- !fatkid
- !top10 / !topten
- !hs / !highscore
- !tk10
- !thinkid
- !c10
- !captain
- !resetbot
- #test_add