- Get your Pushbullet API key from https://www.pushbullet.com/#settings (create access token).
Buy Pushover for your mobile device (4.99USD one time fee) and set up an application at https://pushover.net/apps/build
Place the access token to appsettings.json file inside "Compiled" Release folder (fill either Pushover or PushBullet, or both), then Select APImode (1 for PushBullet, 2 for Pushover, if you use Pushover, you need to pass user key also).
Open the .exe from "Compiled" Release folder.
Place the open application so that you can see the Queue status on the "window" of the application.
After this, press Start GQD.
WinForms application that takes a screenshot of a screenarea, passes the image to Tesseract OCR (Optical character recognition), and sends a Push message to the user of notable events, such as:
- Status updates of queue every 15 minutes (includes position info and speed info)
- Queue status less than 1000 (this message is sent once every 3 minutes when under 1000 players in queue)
- Queue status not found (General error message, maximum spam of 3 messages in a row, then only after a successful scan)
- Different error messages (maximum spam of 3 messages in a row, then only after a successful scan)
- You have been disconnected -message (maximum spam of 3 messages in a row, then only after a successful scan)
In addition, it tracks the total time you have spent in queue (while activated from "Start GQD"), and keeps track of the original queue place you started in, and tracks speed of queue (very simple calculation, no algorithms).
Your World of Warcraft must be running in either Maximized Windowed or Windowed mode, since this application has to be on top of the game.
Also, I take no responsibility of you using this tool. It is not an forbidden tool type as far as I know, since it does not interfere or modify anything, it merely observes text on a screenshot and sends a message if it matches a rule.
PushBullet API has a 500 API messages / month limit.
Pushover.net has a 7500 API messages / month limit / application, you can create more applications.
- Tesseract OCR 3.0.2 (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Tesseract/3.0.2)
- PushBulletSharp (https://www.nuget.org/packages/PushBulletSharp/)
- Pushover.NET (https://www.nuget.org/packages/PushoverNET/)
- WinForms, .NET Framework 4.7