8.6.0 (2024-05-31)
add integrations.coq_nvim
as a new completion engine (b8f9f83 )
create deps.json
for a universal list of Neorg dependencies (a64c6af )
latex: async image rendering (b1c96a0 )
latex: minimum length to render (5a9d638 )
modify deps.json to have proper version constraints (5e9a3ef )
treesitter-based completions (#1412 ) (79f6a49 )
Bug Fixes
clear extmarks on disable (1be7808 )
clear images at cursor after change (9edd802 )
clear package.loaded cache when first installing neorg (3d50b49 )
compute image dimensions before rendering (94abd99 )
conceal cursor updates (2701e07 )
dirman: swapfile error when opening index.norg (#1451 ) (70d4b89 )
handle switching buffers (af4001e )
image flashing on text change (19737b0 )
latex-renderer: handle broken latex (#1438 ) (8140135 )
latex: predict image size for scale > 1 (bde2402 )
limages losing track of their extmarks (f05bce2 )
logic when inline = false (fc8c054 )
mark core.links as internal (22e7151 )
render images on cursor line on enable (dc51ff4 )
rendering order for multiple img in one line (a50c034 )
text-objects: nil check node's parent (72da6e0 )
use nio.scheduler to avoid double wrap (2a9c3fa )
various type errors in codebase (c564e6c )
virt text disapearing on conceallevel=0 (acd4293 )
work on one buffer at a time (ba41187 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.