- BufferedChannel
- Writes will yield if the channel is at capacity
- Reads will yield if the channel is empty
- Writes will preferentially resume awaiting readers
- In the case a reader is resumed from a writer’s execution context, the writers will be rescheduled on scheduler of the caller’s coroutine or the default scheduler
- Back pressure is managed by transfer the execution context downstream; upstream is only rescheduled for execution when space exists in the buffer.
- Enabled pipeline concurrency proprotional allowing upstream and downstream to be co-scheduled
- ImmediateChannel
- Writes will suspend if there are no awaiting Readers
- Reads will suspend if there are no awaiting Writers
- Awaiting writers holding data are always processed first
- Suspended writers are put in a FIFO resume linked-list after their data has been consumed
- If no incoming (writer) data is available, writers are resumed in FIFO ordering from the resume queue
- Back pressure is managed by transferring the execution context downstream, pausing upstream progress
- Does not enable pipeline concurrency as the execution context is transferred.
- RecentChannel
- Writes will never yield
- Writes will preferentially resume awaiting readers
- If the Channel is at capacity, the oldest data at the front of the queue is popped and the newest data is pushed to the back of the queue.
- Back pressure is managed by dropping oldest data then transferring the execution context downstream with the upstream getting rescheduled
- NullChannel
- Writes never yield, immediate drops the data sent to it
- Read never yield, always returns a channel closed
#262 adds mrc::core::concepts::not_void
- all channels should use not_void
at minimum
#264 adds the first concrete v2 channel based on coroutines
- note: type-erasing concrete implementations of channels requires wrapping them in a generic task which has a generic return type
- this will add some unknown amount of overhead
- extend Add ImmediateChannel #264's benchmarks to measure this overhead