Jepsen in Docker
This repository proposes a simplification of the current Jepsen in Docker:
- more image based
- more composable
Note that:
- images are large
- fully featured systemd Debian containers
- sample images are published at
# build Docker images
docker build -t jepsen-setup ./jepsen-setup
docker build -t jepsen-node ./jepsen-node
docker build -t jepsen-control ./jepsen-control
# or, use published Jepsen images from the registry
# bring up a Jepsen control node and 5 db nodes
docker compose -f jepsen-compose.yaml up --detach --wait
# open a shell into the control node
docker exec -it jepsen-control bash
# remember you can run a test webserver in the control node
# that will be available from the host at http://localhost:8080
lein run serve
# bring down the Jepsen cluster
docker compose -f jepsen-compose.yaml down --volumes