This library provides simple C++ interfaces to common programming tasks.
Dependencies: boost-filesystem boost-system boost-iostreams boost curl jsoncpp leveldb pthread gtest htmlcxx hcxselect Special thanks to httpbin for providing a way to test Formicator.
- Every function has tests, google tests! For documentation, read the fabulous tests.
- Opensource. Clone, feature branch, add code, add test, pull request, I will merge all things awesome 100% guaranteed.
Enter Price> is a C++ finance library for inspecting time series.
Create REST services with ease. A-la sinatra in C++
phantomjs ghostdriver C++ bindings. run phantomjs --webdriver=someport
You can theoretically use this to run selenium tests, too. Or maybe a headless firefox on xfb. The cruelty.
Scrape the web with Formicator in your favorite language. Formication and delicious cookies!
Simple leveldb interface. Supports reverse iteration between two values!
type-safe, exception-safe, thin C++ wrapper for sqlite3.
Turns protobuf objects into SQLite mappings. Lets you persist and query protobuf objects in SQLite.
Download URIs into C++ sequence containers, fill forms and post!
Benchmarking functions just got easier. With OpenMP support!
Output C++ containers to streams. Supports adding print functions for new types.
Map, reduce, select from C++ containers and iterator ranges. Low copy overhead and simplified coding.
Simple jsoncpp interface
Store and merge named parameters.
Display progressbar. Uses average tick time for estimating TTC.
pwned by Nurettin Onur TUĞCU is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at