AppUsingItunesSearchApi Public
An android application that allows the user to access content such as movies, songs, books, podcasts on the iTunes platform using the iTunes Search API.
AdmobAndroid Public
An android app that shows how banner and interstitial ads can be placed in the application.
TrelloClone Public
An android app that allows teams to manage their projects where one project can have multiple users, and at the same time, a user can have multiple projects and tasks in business.
HappyPlaces Public
An android app that saves and lists favorite places in the database with their title, description, date, location and photo, and can delete or edit those places with the swipe feature when desired.
CameraImageSelection Public
An app that takes a photo from a camera then displays it on the screen and can be used in other apps when needed.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 24, 2023 -
ThirdPartyLibraryCIV Public
An app that displays an image in square and circular formats.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 24, 2023 -
WeatherApp Public
An application that provides weather forecast based on location.
SimpleAPICallUsingGSON Public
An android app that shows how to get data from a website easily by using GSON library and use that data which will be in the JSON format in order to display the data.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 23, 2023 -
SimpleAPICall Public
An android app that shows how to get data from a website by using a HTTP request and use that data which will be in the JSON format in order to display the data.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 23, 2023 -
7MinuteWorkout Public
A workout app that allows the user to do 12 different exercises, calculates the body mass index(BMI) and lists the completed workouts together with the date and time.
SQLite Public
An app that adds records to the database, lists records, updates and deletes those records.
RecyclerView Public
An app that lists items in list format and grid format with RecyclerView.
TextToSpeech Public
An app that makes the entered text read aloud and can be used in other apps when necessary.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 22, 2023 -
CountDownTimer Public
Timer that can be used in other apps when needed.
CustomDialog Public
An application that shows different kinds of dialogs.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 22, 2023 -
BackgroundExecution Public
An application that allows the user to understand when there are processes running in the background.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 22, 2023 -
PermissionsExample Public
An app that requests permissions to access the user's camera and location.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 22, 2023 -
KidsDrawingApp Public
A simple drawing app where anyone can draw on canvas using different colors.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 22, 2023 -
ActivityForResult Public
In this application, when going from the current activity to other activities, it changes the current activity according to the results of the operations in other activities.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 20, 2023 -
QuizApp Public
An android app that allows the user to solve a quiz.
FourOperationsCalculator Public
A calculator app which can perform basic arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
YourAgeInDaysAndMinutes Public
Shows how many minutes and how many days have passed since the selected date.