NumeroYogi website is owned and developed for the purpose of extensive researches in the diverse fields of occult sciences i.e. Numerology, Astrology, Palmistry and Hypnosis. The owner of NumeroYogi Mr. Sumeet Kr. Tyagi has been researching in the field of occult sciences, particularly in Astrology and Numerology for last 20 years and intend to use these mystic sciences for the service of humanity. NumeroYogi Team is a group of progressive occult practitioners and researchers, who believe in comprehensive, pragmatic, logical and scientific findings in the Numerology based on its all-encompassing database of thousands of birth details, recorded events, patterns and conclusive findings.
The intent, object and vision of NumeroYogi is to spread the real knowledge of the occult sciences, particularly Numerology and Astrology besides letting the World know about the richness of the great treasure of the wonderful mystic-sciences. The researches and findings of NumeroYogi are copyrighted exclusively owned by NumeroYogi © and shall be published time to time on this website for the benefit of the World and humanity.
BLOGS & SOCIAL MEDIA In addition to Articles and Case Studies available on this website, several other articles, case studies and notes are available on the following Social Media Platforms: