Table of Contents
A project developed for creating and monitoring sender-receiver threads in real-time. Spring Boot is used to build backend server with PostgreSQL Database and Reactjs is used to build client application with vite plugin. WebSocket is used to reflect instant changes to client, REST API is used for creating and managing resources in server.
This project can be run using docker-compose.yml file.
- Java 17+
- Docker
- Maven
- Node.js
Run the database via docker-compose.yml file
git clone
cd thread-api-case-study
docker-compose up --build
Run the server
cd threadserver
mvn spring-boot:run
Your server should be running at http://localhost:8080/
Run the server tests
cd threadserver
mvn test
Test Output
Run the client
cd threadclient
npm install
npm run dev
Your client should be running at http://localhost:3001/
Some example usages of the application:
To access Swagger Documentation, navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
You can view the database using pgAdmin interface runnin on docker container, navigate to http://localhost:5050/browser/
Numan Kafadar -
Project Link: