Solarized Wikipedia Theme
Currently I have created only Dark version, if you prefer light version you can use palette from ethanschoonover to create your light theme. Easiest way to do this is to replace #xxxxxx of dark theme with corresponding #xxxxxx of light theme in css file with find/replace function of your editor.
Solarized color palette was created by Ethan Schoonover in two modes - dark and light - basically for people/coders who use terminal like environment. It is available for various text editors and IDEs and some of them are now bundeled with it by default.
Those who read wikipedia for long hours may have noticed that it is sometimes stressfull for your eyes with basic themes of wikipedia. Especially on large monitors small fonts/text hurt your eyes after prolonged reading. So I have created a dark version of Solorized theme for wikipedia.
If anybody interested can create a light version of this too as I almost always use dark themes for my editors and browsers. They help me read in low light conditions without much stress on eyes.
This theme is orignally by rotane published on I modified it according to my needs for fontsizes, spacing etc. but retained the color-palette of solarized theme by Ethan.
I created it as a replacement for the vector.css on English version of Wikipedia but it is working on all wikipedia sister projects without any problems. It should work well with other languages on wikipedia. Original design explanation for the theme can be found here.
If you are always logged-in on wikipedia and on sister projects you can replace content of vector.css with the content of solarized-wikipedia.css. It may work on all mediawiki websites including wikipeida and also on wikipedia sister projects using mediawiki software.
Login to Wikipedia -> go to -> Select Vector theme and click on Custom CSS for it -> click on Edit Source -> toggle editor and paste content of solarized-wikipedia.css there. -> Save and enjoy your new theme.
You can repeat this for all wikipedia sister sites.
User styles in browser, if you don't want to login to wikipedia. Install Stylilsh plugin for Firefox. In firebox address bar type about:addons and hit enter. Click on User Styles and than on Write New Style. Give it a new name and save content from solarized-wikipedia.css there. Hit save and open a wikipedia page to check if it is working.
If it is not working for any reason please report it here and I will try to look into that.
burn fire not eyes
Solarized -
1910 -
UserStyles -
Original Theme -
Ethan Schoonover -
Solorized Wikipedia by Nullx002 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Originally inspired from 1910 design. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at