Precis is a dead simple API for adding a guestbook to your website. This idea came from wanting to make personal websites feel more personal. Take a look around and see if this is something you'd like to use for your own website!
1. Go to to create your own unique API endpoint
2. Make a POST request to your endpoint with your API key and the username and message from the user adding to your guestbook
3. Display the wonderful messages on your website!
1. POST{your guestbook id}/messages
1a. Request body should include
- The person's username that is writing in your guestbook (string)
- The person's message (string)
1b. Response -> 201
2. GET{your guestbook id}/messages
2a. Response -> An array of messages including an id, username, message, created_at, updated_at
2b. Query Parameters
- limit: 25, 50, 75, 100
- created_at: asc, desc
- page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
Client: Remix, UnoCSS
Server: Bun, ElysiaJS, DrizzleORM, Turso
Contributions are always welcome!
for ways to get started.