I have a query nested inside my database working perfectly. When I try to run on node-adodb it doesn't return any results and also doesn't show any error.
Query source table [All Games List API]:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT [Origin Games].idx AS idx,[Origin Games].title AS title, "Origin" AS system, CBOOL([Origin Games].finished) AS finished FROM [Origin Games] UNION SELECT [Steam Games].[appid] AS appid, [Steam Games].[title] AS title, "Steam" AS system, CBOOL([Steam Finished].finished) AS finished FROM [Steam Games] INNER JOIN [Steam Finished] ON [Steam Games].[appid] = [Steam Finished].[appid] UNION SELECT [Wii GC Games].idx AS idx,[Wii GC Games].title AS title, [Wii GC Games].iso_type AS system, CBOOL([Wii GC Games].finished) AS finished FROM [Wii GC Games] UNION SELECT [WiiU Games].idx AS idx, [WiiU Games].title AS title, "WiiU" AS system, CBOOL([WiiU Games].finished) AS finished FROM [WiiU Games] UNION SELECT [Ubisoft Games].idx AS idx, [Ubisoft Games].title AS title, "Ubisoft" AS system, CBOOL([Ubisoft Games].finished) AS finished FROM [Ubisoft Games] ) AS ALL_GAMES ORDER BY ALL_GAMES.title, ALL_GAMES.system;
This query works perfectly.
Now when I try to run the following query in ado-db:
SELECT * FROM [All Games List API] WHERE title Like "*Assa*";
No error is returned and no data is returned. But when executing this query inside the database it works normally.