Doom 64 is not as popular as Ultimate Doom & Doom II, but there is still a Doomworld modding community around it. A handful of Doom 64 mods have won Cacowards, like Dreamblood
Let's support it in Doom Launcher!
This should be surprisingly straightforward; you can already do this in DoomLauncher, sort of:
- Register your Doom64_x64.exe from Steam as a source port
- Register Doom64.wad from Steam as an IWAD. It will complain about it not being a proper IWAD, but ignore that. It doesn't have a proper title or thumbnail, because Doom64 WADs are a bit different.
- Load the mod (eg Dreamblood) into DoomLauncher in the usual way
- Run it with the Doom64 source port and Doom64 IWAD
- Steam will load up, it will give you an ARE YOU SURE? scare prompt about the extra parameters given the the EXE file, and away you go!
- Improve IWAD parsing to recognise Doom64 WAD structure, so we can have good thumbnails and titles
- Make it so that it recognises Doom64 IWAD as a legit IWAD
- Fix the automatic Steam loader so that it automatically finds the Doom64 exe & wad
- Put a button in some menu to do a Steam check, so it's not just new users that can do it
I think - You can apparently get Doom64 on GOG as well; so we could either be happy with users manually adding it as a "source port", or have a separate menu option for "Add Doom64" so it's not just relying on the Steam loader
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