Current Behavior
Trying to create a workspace with nx and pnpm as the package manager, fails. This only happens if I use pnpm as the package manager (--pm pnpm
OS: Windows 11 Pro 24H2 26100.3194
Node: v22.14.0
Nx: 20.4.4
PNPM is installed through CorePack (9.15.4). Using any other version of PNPM (even the latest one) results in the same error. Even if PNPM is installed through NPM or Winget or anything else.
The same command works on Linux and MacOS. (same PNPM version).
Expected Behavior
I should be able to successfully create a workspace with npx create-nx-workspace --pm pnpm
GitHub Repo
No response
Steps to Reproduce
npx create-nx-workspace --pm pnpm
Nx Report
Failure Logs
Package Manager Version
PNPM 9.15.4
Operating System
- macOS
- Linux
- Windows
- Other (Please specify)
Additional Information
No response