📜 Description
Images used in the community and local docker compose files are out of date. It would be great if they are getting updated regularly.
👟 Reproduction steps
check current images used in docker compose files and compare them with available images.
👍 Expected behavior
The images should be up to date, or the specification needs to be less specific to stay up to date for longer.
👎 Actual Behavior with Screenshots
Novu version
Novu Community 2.1.0
npm version
No response
node version
No response
📃 Provide any additional context for the Bug.
No response
👀 Have you spent some time to check if this bug has been raised before?
- I checked and didn't find a similar issue
🏢 Have you read the Contributing Guidelines?
- I have read the Contributing Guidelines
Are you willing to submit PR?
Yes I am willing to submit a PR!