This is a set of functions that let you test is the SQLite statement is a certain operation.
This is useful when you want to know if a statement is a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE TABLE, etc.
The next steps for this library would be to add support for checking recursive statements.
npm install sqlite-statement-type
import { isSelect } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "SELECT * FROM users";
console.log(isSelect(statement)); // true
import { isSelect } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "SELECT * FROM table";
const result = isSelect(statement);
import { isInsert } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES ('value')";
const result = isInsert(statement);
import { isUpdate } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "UPDATE table SET column = 'value'";
const result = isUpdate(statement);
import { isDelete } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "DELETE FROM table";
const result = isDelete(statement);
import { isCreateTable } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "CREATE TABLE table (column TEXT)";
const result = isCreateTable(statement);
import { isAlterTable } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN column TEXT";
const result = isAlterTable(statement);
import { isDropTable } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "DROP TABLE table";
const result = isDropTable(statement);
import { isCreateIndex } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "CREATE INDEX index ON table (column)";
const result = isCreateIndex(statement);
import { isDropIndex } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "DROP INDEX index";
const result = isDropIndex(statement);
import { isCreateView } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "CREATE VIEW view AS SELECT * FROM table";
const result = isCreateView(statement);
import { isAlterView } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "ALTER VIEW view AS SELECT * FROM table";
const result = isAlterView(statement);
import { isDropView } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "DROP VIEW view";
const result = isDropView(statement);
import { isPragma } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "PRAGMA table_info(table)";
const result = isPragma(statement);
import { isBeginTransaction } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "BEGIN TRANSACTION";
const result = isBeginTransaction(statement);
import { isCommit } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "COMMIT";
const result = isCommit(statement);
import { isRollback } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "ROLLBACK";
const result = isRollback(statement);
import { isVacuum } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "VACUUM";
const result = isVacuum(statement);
import { isAnalyze } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "ANALYZE";
const result = isAnalyze(statement);
import { isAttach } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "ATTACH DATABASE 'file.db' AS db";
const result = isAttach(statement);
import { isDetach } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "DETACH DATABASE db";
const result = isDetach(statement);
import { isReindex } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "REINDEX";
const result = isReindex(statement);
import { isSavepoint } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "SAVEPOINT sp1";
const result = isSavepoint(statement);
import { isRelease } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "RELEASE SAVEPOINT sp1";
const result = isRelease(statement);
import { isCreateTrigger } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "CREATE TRIGGER trigger AFTER INSERT ON table BEGIN END";
const result = isCreateTrigger(statement);
import { isDropTrigger } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "DROP TRIGGER trigger";
const result = isDropTrigger(statement);
import { isCreateVirtualTable } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE vt USING module";
const result = isCreateVirtualTable(statement);
import { isDropVirtualTable } from "sqlite-statement-type";
const statement = "DROP VIRTUAL TABLE vt";
const result = isDropVirtualTable(statement);