Releases: nothingislost/obsidian-hover-editor
Add settings for footnotes, subheads, and blocks
You can now configure Hover Editor to not replace the built-in preview functions for links to footnotes, subheadings, and/or blocks.
By default, blocks and footnotes will now be displayed with the built-in preview (with Obsidian 1.6 and higher), but subheadings will still be displayed in Hover Editor. (For older Obsidians, the default will be to use Hover Editor for everything, since before 1.6 the built-in preview didn't support editing.)
You can change these settings from the defaults using the plugin's settings page.
Minor styling fix for Obsidian 1.6
Support canvas note cards popup via keyboard
You can now use the "Open current file in new popover" command while
editing a note embedded in a canvas, and have that note pop up
instead of getting a popup of the canvas itself.
Allow opening non-markdown files from command
Track more layers for natual stacking (fixes #32)
Previously, Hover Editor only kept track of three layers: one for new popups, one for the active/focused popup, and one for all other popups (in creation order).
This update increases the number of tracked layers so that you can restack popups in a way that keeps their ordering, up to
around 10 or 12 popups. (Popups that have been touched less recently than the most-recent dozen will be on the same layer
with each other. This is because Obsidian's theming layers do not include enough z-order space between popups and modals;
adding more layers would hide the popups under things or put them over things they shouldn't be over.)
Fix #227 - Fold state being lost on editor hide
When hovering a link, but not long enough to open it, closing the not-yet-shown pane would cause Obsidian to try to save the fold state, which was not yet loaded because the pane wasn't shown. This change blocks Obsidian from saving fold state when Hover Editor is closing a pane that was never shown. This should prevent fold state being lost in such cases.