A quick and easy way to embed a Nostr note anywhere on the web.
Just add the following snippet to your site and change the parameters passed to the nostrEmbed.init
<div id="some-container-id"></div>
!(function () {
const n=document.createElement('script');n.type='text/javascript';n.async=!0;n.src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/nostrband/nostr-embed@latest/dist/nostr-embed.js';
n.onload=function () {
};const a=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];a.parentNode.insertBefore(n, a);
- Required (String): The first param is the hex ID of the note you'd like to embed.
- Optional (String): The second param is a querySelector value for the HTML element that you'd like to embed the note into. If you don't pass this parameter, the note will be prepended to the body element.
- Optional (String): URL of the Nostr relay that you'd like to read from. If you don't pass a third param this will default to
You can also generate an embed code on this page.
- 👷 PRs are welcome
- 💬 Create issues with any bugs or feature requests
- ⚡ Zap sats to erskingardner@getalby.com if you'd like to help fund development.
- We have zero tests so far.
- We need to implement pooling of relays so that we can check several instead of just one.
- We need to render replied to, and root events, if embedded event is a reply.