I’m a Junior developer with experience in full-stack development, building frontend websites with Reactjs/Nextjs, and backend web apis, and more tools with Python.
My first career was as a filmmaker and post-producer, specializing in video editing and animation, and since I was working on a computer and learned diferents softwares, I decide to experiment with code development.
I started my software development career in 2018, learning about interactive animations with Processing and Arduino as a hobbyist, and 3 years later, I realize that I really like to code and think logically and creatively at the same time, and I decided to start my development roadmap by learning python in the field of backend and some datascience libraries, However, my desire to learn led me to study frontend tecnologies, because I also like the idea to create interfaces and interactive experiences.
I’m currently working as a freelance, and doing some Open Source projects!, and also looking to grow my developer career with a team.