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Releases: norvig/paip-lisp

Scanned PDFs, now with tables of contents

09 Jun 00:32
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@anrddh updated the scanned PDFs, adding comprehensive tables of contents:

  • 4th edition, 1998
    • higher resolution, better OCR, smaller file thanks to better compression
    • previous release
  • 6th edition, 2001

For more details, see #166

Alpha drafts of ebooks from markdown

22 Apr 23:28
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This is a rough draft! Issues are expected.

what's here

  • epub - made by pandoc from markdown
  • pdf - made by calibre from the epub version


  • we can proofread and annotate on offline devices! 🎉
  • includes the WIP effort to turn images to markdown tables
  • includes the redrawn diagrams, as vector graphics

known issues

  • chapter links in the Preface chapter don't work
    • there are many more chapter links that have never been fixed up to work at all
  • some tables have irregular column widths
  • the TOC numbering is slightly out of sync, counting the frontmatter as chapter 1, About as chapter 2, Preface as chapter 3, Chapter 1 as chapter 4, etc.


  • the epub has the svg diagrams and formulae, not the png fallbacks
  • Apple Books isn't showing code blocks, on desktop?


  • an extra page break before section 12.1
  • Bluefire appears to have some intermittent font glitches with italics
  • some lines are split between pages, and some lines are truncated at the right

what's next

  • pandoc worked for making a legible first draft, but using something else probably would help or sidestep the issues here. so, exploring alternatives is a good idea.
  • these were made with default layouts for the software; customizing font sizes, margins, and the like should maybe wait

A better scan

19 Apr 05:12
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About this copy

This is a scanned copy of the 4th printing, 1998. It's shared for reading, and for improving the Markdown copy in our Github repo.

How it was made

@pronoiac had the spine / binding removed and fed the pages through a scanner. Steps and software used:

  • scanner gave 600dpi grayscale, as 3.6 gigabytes of png files
  • Scantailor Advanced (in Docker): deskew the pages and render the pages as 300dpi black and white (1-bit) tiffs - 30 megabytes
  • tiff2pdf and pdfunite: turn those many tiffs into one pdf
  • OCRmyPDF: OCR with Tesseract, add title and author to the pdf, apply lossless JBIG2 compression - 24 megabytes

Other notes

  • It’s higher resolution, though an older printing (4th printing, 1998) than the previous scan (6th printing, 2001).
  • OCR is better than the previous scan - searching for keywords or phrases usually works
  • why not the grayscale PNGs: space constraints on Github releases, and dubious value for space
  • ebooks from the Markdown version are getting closer
  • see #137 for some of the thoughts behind this release

Cleaned up Safari ebook

21 Jun 04:26
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In July 2018, @eshellman worked on the epub version converted from Safari, fixing the cover and some html errors, and adding a .mobi version. This isn't generated from the markdown files, which should be cleaner.

Original sources

21 Jun 04:23
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These are sources we're working from.

The original scanned PDF:
This is a copy of the original scan in one file. Readers can get one PDF instead of two, and the repo could be a little easier to work with.

An EPUB converted from O'Reilly Safari Books Online:
It's a much cleaner source to work from.

(The tar.gz and zip files are unintentional.)