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nopour authored Jul 12, 2024
1 parent 7722c41 commit b26ccca
Showing 1 changed file with 158 additions and 0 deletions.
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions Vibration_Timoshenko
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def main():
ccc1 = ["#c1272d", "#0000a7", "#eecc16", "#008176", "b3b3b3"]

E = 10e7
nu = 0.30
rho = 1

L = 1
b = 1
h = 0.001
I = b * h**3 / 12
kapa = 5 / 6
A = b * h

G = E / 2 / (1 + nu)
C = np.array([[E * I, 0], [0, kapa * h * G]])

N_elements_range = range(5, 102)
N_modes = 5

D = np.zeros((len(N_elements_range), N_modes, 3))

for j, N_nodes in enumerate(N_elements_range):
x_col = np.linspace(0, L, N_nodes)
N_elements = N_nodes - 1
elementNodes = np.vstack((np.arange(1, N_nodes), np.arange(2, N_nodes + 1))).T

P = -1
GDof = 2 * N_nodes

K_Assembly, F_equiv, M_Assembly = formStiffnessMassTimoshenkoBeam(GDof, elementNodes, x_col, C, P, rho, I, h)

prescribedDof = [
np.array([0, N_nodes - 1, N_nodes, 2 * N_nodes - 1]),
np.array([0, N_nodes - 1]),
np.array([0, N_nodes])

for ii in range(len(prescribedDof)):
D_vec = np.zeros(GDof)
D_vec[prescribedDof[ii]] = 0
F_vec = np.zeros(GDof)

D_vec, F_vec = solution(prescribedDof[ii], K_Assembly, D_vec, F_vec, F_equiv)
print("Max displacement")

D_modeShapes, w_n = solutionModal(prescribedDof[ii], D_vec[prescribedDof[ii]], K_Assembly, M_Assembly, N_modes)
D1 = w_n * L * L * np.sqrt(rho * A / (E * I))
D[j, :, ii] = np.sort(D1)

plt.plot(N_elements_range, D[:, 0, 0], '-o', markevery=10, color=ccc1[0], linewidth=1.2, label='Clamped-Clamped')
plt.plot(N_elements_range, D[:, 0, 1], '-.v', markevery=10, color=ccc1[2], linewidth=1.2, label='Simply supported-Simply supported')
plt.plot(N_elements_range, D[:, 0, 2], '--s', markevery=10, color=ccc1[3], linewidth=1.2, label='Clamped-Free')
plt.xlabel('Number of Nodes')
plt.ylabel('Frequency, [-]')
plt.title('Frequency Convergence')
plt.xlim([0, 100])

def formStiffnessMassTimoshenkoBeam(GDof, elementNodes, x_col, C, P, rho, I, h):
N_elements = elementNodes.shape[0]
N_Nodes = len(x_col)

K_Assembly = np.zeros((GDof, GDof))
M_Assembly = np.zeros((GDof, GDof))
F_equiv_local = np.zeros(GDof)

gaussLocations = np.array([0.577350269189626, -0.577350269189626])
gaussWeights = np.ones(2)

for iElement in range(N_elements):
i_nodes = elementNodes[iElement] - 1
elementDof = np.hstack([i_nodes, i_nodes + N_Nodes])
indiceMass = i_nodes + N_Nodes
ndof = len(i_nodes)
Le = x_col[i_nodes[1]] - x_col[i_nodes[0]]
detJacobian = Le / 2
invJacobian = 1 / detJacobian
for q in range(len(gaussWeights)):
pt = gaussLocations[q]
shape, naturalDerivatives = shapeFunctionL2(pt)
Xderivatives = naturalDerivatives * invJacobian

B = np.zeros((2, 2 * ndof))
B[0, ndof:2 * ndof] = Xderivatives

K_Assembly[np.ix_(elementDof, elementDof)] += B.T @ B * gaussWeights[q] * detJacobian * C[0, 0]
F_equiv_local[i_nodes] += shape * P * detJacobian * gaussWeights[q]

M_Assembly[np.ix_(indiceMass, indiceMass)] += shape[:, np.newaxis] @ shape[np.newaxis, :] * gaussWeights[q] * I * rho * detJacobian
M_Assembly[np.ix_(i_nodes, i_nodes)] += shape[:, np.newaxis] @ shape[np.newaxis, :] * gaussWeights[q] * h * rho * detJacobian

gaussLocations = np.array([0.0])
gaussWeights = np.array([2.0])
for iElement in range(N_elements):
i_nodes = elementNodes[iElement] - 1
elementDof = np.hstack([i_nodes, i_nodes + N_Nodes])
ndof = len(i_nodes)
Le = x_col[i_nodes[1]] - x_col[i_nodes[0]]
detJacobian = Le / 2
invJacobian = 1 / detJacobian
for q in range(len(gaussWeights)):
pt = gaussLocations[q]
shape, naturalDerivatives = shapeFunctionL2(pt)
Xderivatives = naturalDerivatives * invJacobian

B = np.zeros((2, 2 * ndof))
B[1, :ndof] = Xderivatives
B[1, ndof:2 * ndof] = shape

K_Assembly[np.ix_(elementDof, elementDof)] += B.T @ B * gaussWeights[q] * detJacobian * C[1, 1]

return K_Assembly, F_equiv_local, M_Assembly

def shapeFunctionL2(xi):
shape = np.array([(1 - xi) / 2, (1 + xi) / 2])
naturalDerivatives = np.array([-1, 1]) / 2
return shape, naturalDerivatives

def solution(prescribedDof, K_assembly, D_vec, F_vec, F_eq_vec=None):
if F_eq_vec is None:
F_eq_vec = np.zeros_like(F_vec)

GDof = len(D_vec)
freeDof = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(GDof), prescribedDof)

D_vec[freeDof] = np.linalg.solve(K_assembly[np.ix_(freeDof, freeDof)], F_vec[freeDof] + F_eq_vec[freeDof])

nonZeroDof = np.union1d(freeDof, np.array([d for d in prescribedDof if D_vec[d] != 0], dtype=int))

F_vec[prescribedDof] = K_assembly[np.ix_(prescribedDof, nonZeroDof)] @ D_vec[nonZeroDof] - F_eq_vec[prescribedDof]
return D_vec, F_vec

def solutionModal(prescribedDofs, D_prescribed, K_assembly, M_assembly, N_modes):
GDof = K_assembly.shape[0]
freeDof = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(GDof), prescribedDofs)

D_modeShape_cols = np.zeros((GDof, N_modes))
D_modeShape_cols[prescribedDofs, :] = D_prescribed[:, np.newaxis]

eigvals, eigvecs = scipy.linalg.eigh(K_assembly[np.ix_(freeDof, freeDof)], M_assembly[np.ix_(freeDof, freeDof)])
w_n_vec = np.sqrt(eigvals[:N_modes])
D_modeShape_cols[freeDof, :] = eigvecs[:, :N_modes]

return D_modeShape_cols, w_n_vec

if __name__ == "__main__":

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