Generate an icons module in purescript halogen from svg files.
yarn add --dev @nonbili/svgen
yarn svgen -h
Pass a --svgo-config
if you want to preprocess your svg files with svgo.
node index.js -F example/svg -o example/src/Icons.purs --svgo-config example/svgo.config.js
cd example
pulp build
yarn start
The generated Icons.purs
will be like
module Icons where
import Prelude ((<>))
import Halogen.HTML
ns :: Namespace
ns = Namespace ""
iconHeart :: forall p r i. Array (IProp r i) -> HTML p i
iconHeart attrs =
elementNS ns (ElemName "svg")
( [ attr (AttrName "width") "16"
, attr (AttrName "height") "16"
, attr (AttrName "viewBox") "0 0 16 16"
] <> attrs)
[ elementNS ns (ElemName "path")
[ attr (AttrName "d") "M11.252 11.422C13.912 9.426 15 7.96 15 6c0-2.283-1.18-4-3.5-4a1.63 1.63 0 0 0-.569.136c-.347.14-.743.373-1.155.673a10.275 10.275 0 0 0-1.069.898L8 4.414l-.707-.707a10.275 10.275 0 0 0-1.069-.898c-.412-.3-.808-.533-1.155-.673A1.623 1.623 0 0 0 4.5 2C2.18 2 1 3.717 1 6c0 1.959 1.087 3.426 3.748 5.422.436.327 2.206 1.582 3.252 2.339 1.046-.757 2.816-2.012 3.252-2.339zM8 3s2-2 3.5-2C15 1 16 4 16 6c0 4-4 6-8 9-4-3-8-5-8-9 0-2 1-5 4.5-5C6 1 8 3 8 3z"
Then use it like
import Icons (iconHeart)
className = HH.attr (HH.AttrName "class")
render state =
[ iconHeart
[ className "icon" ]