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Connor Shea edited this page Jul 20, 2015 · 10 revisions

Fiction Dock is an open source project developed by Noided Media. We are open to anyone who wishes to contribute!


Please note: This FAQ is written with a non-programmer in mind.

What is Fiction Dock?

Fiction Dock is a better place for fan fiction, with all the features you'd expect from such a site, as well as a simple, aesthetically-pleasing design. The site is built from the bottom-up to work on all kinds of screens, from phones and tablets to laptops and desktops.

People can see the source code of your website. Doesn't that make it easier for my info to get stolen?

Security is not tied to the visibility of the code. In fact, some of the most secure projects in the world (like FreeBSD, Linux, and GNU Privacy Guard) are open source.

Your information is equally secure here as it is on any website. In fact, it's probably more secure, since more people can look for security-related bugs and submit fixes for them.

Since people can see your code, aren't you afraid that they might steal it?

Fiction Dock is licensed under the GNU Affero license. Essentially, this means that anybody who tries to steal our code must release their changes under the exact same license. In this way, we make sure that our code is shared and not stolen.

I don't like your editor, can I use another one?

Yes! Because Fiction Dock uses Markdown, writing your stories using other applications or websites is easy. Some of our recommended editors are:

There are also some great general-purpose text editors available for free that come with Markdown support, such as:

  • Sublime Text, Free for Windows, OS X, and Linux, note that Sublime Text 3 is the recommended version, and that you will get occasional notifications asking you to upgrade, but other than that it's completely free to use for forever.
  • Atom by GitHub, Free for Windows, OS X, and Linux.
  • VIM: Vi IMproved, a Free Software editor for a whole slew of platforms. Please note that this editor is not for beginners and is made with power users in mind.
  • Emacs, a Free Software editor for a whole slew of platforms. Please note that this editor is not for beginners and is made with power users in mind.

How to Markdown?

Markdown Cheat Sheet

Why can't I upload cover art for my stories?

This isn't an option for two main reasons:

  1. We don't have the money to pay for hosting of lots of high-res images right now while still offering Fiction Dock for free.
  2. We don't want to have writers who produce great content be ignored because they don't have artistic abilities, money to pay an artist, or an artist friend willing to make cover art for them. We want the top stories on Fiction Dock to be there based on merit, not because they have the prettiest cover art.

Where can I put a real-life person? They need to be in a franchise.

You are not allowed to write stories about real-life characters for legal reasons. We could get sued for you "using their image".

We may consider allowing prominent historical figures in the future.

Why the name Fiction Dock?

Per Wikipedia:

Shipping, initially derived from the word relationship, is the desire by fans of two people, either real-life celebrities or fictional characters, to be in a relationship, romantic or otherwise.

We thought Fiction Dock was a funny play on this term, so we stuck with it.