A simple way to generate invoices
There are two ways of using the invoice tool:
- Using a binary file. So you don't need to deal with any code.
- Running the
file. Which needs some previous setup.
Depending on the operating system you are on, you can download and use the latest released binary
Or use the following magic command to do such download automatically (tested on MacOS):
if [[ $(uname -p) == 'i386' ]]; then CHIP=amd; else CHIP=$(uname -p); fi; \
OS=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'); \
curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/noelruault/invoice/releases/latest \
| grep "browser_download_url" \
| grep "$OS.*$CHIP" \
| cut -d : -f 2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| xargs wget -qO- \
| tar xvz
Providing an input file with a suitable data structure is necessary for writing data to the invoice.
./invoice -input="./templates/input.yml"
Resolve MacOS "cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified" error
The bare minimum setup to run the invoice tool is to provide a yaml file.
go run cmd/main.go -input="./templates/input.yml"
Optionally, a config file containing specific information about fonts and texts can also be provided.
# input.yml
id: 20220701
emitted: 2022-07-25T00:00:00.000000000+00:00
delivered: 2022-08-05T00:00:00.000000000+00:00
name: My name
info: |-
Address to House 123
://website | @email | +00 PH0N3 NUMB3R
# Client info
client: |-
Client address
Office 1234
1234, Country
# Multiple services can be provided
- description: Software development service
unitcost: 10
unit: h.
quantity: 100
- description: Software QA service
unitcost: 10
unit: hours
quantity: 20
# One or more taxes can be provided
- description: VAT
value: 21
- description: VAT2
value: 3
currency: €
net: false
# Bank details
account: |-
Acc Name: My name
IBAN : XX0000000000000000
The configuration file example is not mandatory and can be used to change fonts, some texts and the date format.
# config.yml
fontBody: Arial
fontBodyBold: Arial
fontTitle: Helvetica
dateFormat: 02/01/2006
textTitle: INVOICE
textFooterTitle: Payment details
textDate1: Issue date
textDate2: Due date
Value Added Tax is calculated in two different ways, depending on the net
boolean, which can be set in the input
- When net is true, the added prices will be reduced by the VAT value(s) provided and added back to the total price at the end of the document.
hours: 2
price: 4
vat: 21%
net: true
2 * (4 - 4 * 0.21) + (4 * 0.21)
(2 * 3,16) + (2 * 0,84)
= 8€
- If net is false, the prices will be displayed as they are provided, and the VAT value(s) will be added to the total price at the end.
hours: 2
price: 4
vat: 21%
net: false
2 * 4 + (2 * 4 * 0.21)
8 + 1,68
= 9,68€
fonts/iso-8859-15.map is used to display characters such as '@', that don't come natively with other map encodings.
- download fonts from fonts.google.com
- place ttf in
folder - run command
make font
, e.g:
echo Belleza-Regular.ttf | make font
echo Raleway-Regular.ttf | make font
echo Raleway-SemiBold.ttf | make font
echo Aldrich-Regular.ttf | make font
- change font names (without extension) on config file
fontTitle: Aldrich-Regular