Race condition in test-fs-read-stream-fd-leak.js #3215
The intermittent assertion failure could be fired as follows:
throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: no leaked file descriptors using destroy() (got 5)
at null._onTimeout (/sandbox/johnyan/github-node/test/parallel/test-fs-read-stream-fd-leak.js:37:16)
at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:89:15)
The race condition is spotted in the following code:
if (++i === loopCount) {
setTimeout(function() {
assert.equal(0, openCount, 'no leaked file descriptors using ' +
endFn + '() (got ' + openCount + ')');
openCount = 0;
callback && setTimeout(callback, 100);
}, 100);
In the failing case, the first setTimeout function is fired before all streams are properly closed. If reduce the setTimeout period (say from 100 to 1), the failure rate is increased. Depends on the running environment (slow/fast), the failure rate varies. Can anyone suggest a better solution to this?