We currently have a build team that I expect to grow further as we get more momentum.
We're also in the process of building a streams team: nodejs/readable-stream#97
I've also proposed a more formal website team be formed: nodejs/readable-stream#97
We now have a shared iojs calendar (see #230) and it would be great if we could fill that up with Hangouts On Air happening for each of these teams. Additionally, the governance structure allows for TC meetings to invite additional collaborators in and we have that happening for the build team so it would be great to have a non-TC representative from streams and ditto for the website; perhaps not every meeting but regularly.
Each of these teams needs a good facilitator to make it happen. Currently I think the website could do with someone who is both interested in the area and has good skills in facilitation--not being the boss or even leader, just making stuff happen and greasing the wheels.