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String joining

Dr. Nicola Mingotti edited this page Dec 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Case 1. Comma Join


". simplest case "
'hello', ' world' .                                              "=> 'hello world' "

". more elements "
'hello', ' world', ', good day !'.                                "=> 'hello world, good day !' "

". conversion to string is needed in comma joins "
'hello', ' world' , ' it is n.' , 3 asString, ' times i say it'.  "=> 'hello world it is n.3 times i say it' "

Case 2. Join the elements of an array into a string


". simplest case"
' ' join: #('hello' 'world').                                      "=> 'hello world' "

". showing toString auto-conversion "
' ' join: #('hello, this is value: ' 123).                        "=> 'hello, this is value:   123' "

". joiner is not only a space, the case of CSV file production "
', ' join: #('name'  'last name' 'email').                         "=> 'name, last name, email' " 
', ' join: #('nicola' 'mingotti' '').              "=> 'nicola, mingotti,' "

Dr. Nicola Mingotti first wrote this on 22-Sep-2021. Tested in Cuis5.0-4871.image.

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