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Event processing cleanup
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jvuletich committed Jan 16, 2021
1 parent edba1c5 commit 0b12149
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Showing 3 changed files with 302 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
'From Cuis 5.0 [latest update: #4523] on 15 January 2021 at 5:05:05 pm'!

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'double click support' stamp: 'jmv 1/14/2021 18:49:09'!
"Reset the double-click detection state to normal (i.e., not waiting for a double-click).
This happens after timeout, regardless of multiple clicks having been detected or not."

mouseClickState _ nil.! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'jmv 1/15/2021 16:51:21'!
"Process user input events from the local input devices.
Answer true if any event was handled (but ignore MouseMove)"

| evt evtBuf type hadAny mcs hadAnyMouseEvent |
mcs _ mouseClickState.
hadAny := false.
hadAnyMouseEvent := false.
[ (evtBuf := Sensor nextEvent) isNil ] whileFalse: [
type := evtBuf first.
evt := self createEventFrom: evtBuf ofType: type.
evt ifNotNil: [
"Finally, handle it"
self startEventDispatch: evt.
hadAny := true.
evt isMouse ifTrue: [
hadAnyMouseEvent := true ]]].
hadAnyMouseEvent ifFalse: [
ifNotNil: [
"No mouse events during this cycle. Make sure click states time out accordingly"
handleEvent: (self lastMouseEvent asMouseMove: (Time localMillisecondClock - self lastMouseEventTime max: 0))
from: self ]].
^hadAny! !

!WorldMorph methodsFor: 'interaction loop' stamp: 'jmv 1/15/2021 16:14:27'!

self clearWaitDelay.
self setCanvas.
self doOneCycle.
true ]
whileTrue: []! !

!WorldMorph methodsFor: 'update cycle' stamp: 'jmv 1/15/2021 17:04:27'!
"Do one cycle of the interaction loop. This method is called repeatedly when the world is running.
Make for low cpu usage if the ui is inactive, but quick response when ui is in use.
However, after some inactivity, there will be a larger delay before the ui gets responsive again."

| wait waitUntil a |
waitDelay ifNil: [ waitDelay _ Delay forMilliseconds: 50 ].
(lastCycleHadAnyEvent or: [ deferredUIMessages isEmpty not ])
ifTrue: [
pause _ 20. "This value will only be used later, when there are no more events to serve or deferred UI messages to process."
wait _ 0. "Don't wait this time"]
ifFalse: [
"wait between 20 and 200 milliseconds"
(hands anySatisfy: [ :h | h waitingForMoreClicks ])
ifTrue: [ pause _ 20 ]
ifFalse: [ pause < 200 ifTrue: [ pause _ pause * 21//20 ] ].
waitUntil _ lastCycleTime + pause.
"Earlier if steps"
stepList isEmpty not ifTrue: [
waitUntil _ waitUntil min: stepList first scheduledTime ].
"Earlier if alarms"
alarms ifNotNil: [
alarms isEmpty not ifTrue: [
waitUntil _ waitUntil min: alarms first scheduledTime ]].
wait _ waitUntil - Time localMillisecondClock max: 0 ].
Preferences serverMode
ifTrue: [ wait _ wait max: 50 ]. "Always wait at least a bit on servers, even if this makes the UI slow."
wait = 0
ifTrue: [ Processor yield ]
ifFalse: [
waitDelay beingWaitedOn
ifFalse: [ waitDelay setDelay: wait; wait ]
ifTrue: [
"If we are called from a different process than that of the main UI, we might be called in the main
interCyclePause. In such case, use a new Delay to avoid 'This Delay has already been scheduled' errors"
(Delay forMilliseconds: wait) wait ]].

"Record start time of this cycle, and do cycle"
lastCycleTime _ Time localMillisecondClock.
lastCycleHadAnyEvent _ self doOneCycleNow.! !

!WorldMorph methodsFor: 'update cycle' stamp: 'jmv 1/15/2021 16:51:48'!
"Immediately do one cycle of the interaction loop.
Only used for a few tests."
"See #eventTickler"
| hadAny |
Cursor currentCursor = (Cursor cursorAt: #waitCursor) ifTrue: [ Cursor defaultCursor activateCursor ].
"Repair visual damage."
DisplayScreen checkForNewScreenSize.
self displayWorldSafely.
"Run steps, alarms and deferred UI messages"
self runStepMethods.
"Process user input events. Run all event triggered code."
hadAny _ false.
self handsDo: [ :h |
activeHand _ h.
hadAny _ hadAny | h processEventQueue.
activeHand _ nil ].
"The default is the primary hand"
activeHand _ self hands first.
^ hadAny.! !

Leave the line above, and replace the rest of this comment by a useful one.
Executable statements should follow this comment, and should
be separated by periods, with no exclamation points (!!).
Be sure to put any further comments in double-quotes, like this one."
| guiRootObject |
Utilities authorInitialsPerSe ifNil: [ Utilities setAuthor ].
(nil confirm: 'We need to restart the User Interface process.
You''ll need to do [Install New Updates] again, to install later updates.') ifFalse: [ self halt ].
guiRootObject _ UISupervisor ui.
UISupervisor stopUIProcess.
UISupervisor spawnNewMorphicProcessFor: guiRootObject.
(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
ChangeSet installing: '' do: [].
cs _ ChangeSet changeSetForBaseSystem.
(cs name beginsWith: '4524') ifTrue: [
ChangeSet removeChangeSet: cs ].
'Done updating Morphic ui process code.' print.
'Installed ChangeSet:' print.
'Please do [Install New Updates] again.' print.
] forkAt: 41!

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
'From Cuis 5.0 [latest update: #4523] on 15 January 2021 at 5:36:41 pm'!

!MouseEvent methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'jmv 1/14/2021 21:22:43'!

^ MouseMoveEvent new
setType: #mouseMove
position: position
buttons: buttons
hand: source
stamp: Time millisecondClockValue "VMs report events using #millisecondClockValue"! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'jmv 1/15/2021 17:35:56'!
"Process user input events from the local input devices.
Answer true if any event was handled (but ignore MouseMove)"

| evt evtBuf type hadAny mcs hadAnyMouseEvent |
mcs _ mouseClickState.
hadAny := false.
hadAnyMouseEvent := false.
[ (evtBuf := Sensor nextEvent) isNil ] whileFalse: [
type := evtBuf first.
evt := self createEventFrom: evtBuf ofType: type.
evt ifNotNil: [
"Finally, handle it"
self startEventDispatch: evt.
hadAny := true.
evt isMouse ifTrue: [
hadAnyMouseEvent := true ]]].
hadAnyMouseEvent ifFalse: [
ifNotNil: [
"No mouse events during this cycle. Make sure click states time out accordingly"
handleEvent: lastMouseEvent asMouseMove
from: self ]].
^hadAny! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'events-processing' stamp: 'jmv 1/15/2021 17:15:12'!
startKeyboardDispatch: aKeyboardEvent

| focusedElement |

focusedElement _ self keyboardFocus ifNil: [ self world ].
focusedElement handleFocusEvent: aKeyboardEvent.

self mouseOverHandler processMouseOver: lastMouseEvent! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'events-processing' stamp: 'jmv 1/15/2021 17:15:17'!
startMouseDispatch: aMouseEvent

aMouseEvent isMouseOver ifTrue: [
^self mouseFocus
ifNotNil: [ mouseFocus handleFocusEvent: aMouseEvent ]
ifNil: [ owner dispatchEvent: aMouseEvent ]].

"any mouse event but mouseOver"
lastMouseEvent _ aMouseEvent.
lastMouseEventTime _ Time localMillisecondClock.

"Check for pending drag or double click operations."
mouseClickState ifNotNil: [
(mouseClickState handleEvent: aMouseEvent from: self) ifTrue: [
"Possibly dispatched #click: or something. Do not further process this event."
^self mouseOverHandler processMouseOver: lastMouseEvent ]].

aMouseEvent isMove
ifTrue: [
self morphPosition: aMouseEvent eventPosition.
self mouseFocus
ifNotNil: [ mouseFocus handleFocusEvent: aMouseEvent ]
ifNil: [ owner dispatchEvent: aMouseEvent ]
] ifFalse: [
aMouseEvent isMouseScroll ifTrue: [
owner dispatchEvent: aMouseEvent
] ifFalse: [
"Issue a synthetic move event if we're not at the position of the event"
aMouseEvent eventPosition = self morphPosition ifFalse: [
"Issue a mouse move event to make the receiver appear at the given position"
self startMouseDispatch: (MouseMoveEvent new
setType: #mouseMove
position: aMouseEvent eventPosition
buttons: aMouseEvent buttons
hand: self
stamp: aMouseEvent timeStamp) ].
"Drop submorphs on button events"
self hasSubmorphs
ifTrue: [
"Not if we are grabbing them"
mouseClickState ifNil: [
"Want to drop on mouseUp, NOT mouseDown"
aMouseEvent isMouseUp ifTrue: [
self dropMorphs: aMouseEvent ]
] ifFalse: [
self mouseFocus
ifNotNil: [ mouseFocus handleFocusEvent: aMouseEvent ]
ifNil: [ owner dispatchEvent: aMouseEvent ]]]].
self mouseOverHandler processMouseOver: lastMouseEvent! !

!methodRemoval: MouseEvent #asMouseMove: stamp: 'jmv 1/15/2021 17:35:33'!
MouseEvent removeSelector: #asMouseMove:!
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
'From Cuis 5.0 [latest update: #4524] on 14 January 2021 at 9:26:43 pm'!

!MouseClickState methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'jmv 1/14/2021 21:23:34'!
handleEvent: aMouseEvent from: aHand
"Process the given mouse event to detect a click, double-click, or drag.
Return true if the event should be processed by the sender, false if it shouldn't.
NOTE: This method heavily relies on getting *all* mouse button events."

| timedOut distance |
timedOut _ (aMouseEvent timeStamp - lastClickDown timeStamp) > self class doubleClickTimeout.
timedOut ifTrue: [ aHand dontWaitForMoreClicks ].
distance _ (aMouseEvent eventPosition - lastClickDown eventPosition) r.
"Real action dispatch might be done after the triggering event, for example, because of waiting for timeout.
So, count the button downs and ups(clicks), to be processed, maybe later, maybe in a mouseMove..."
aMouseEvent isMouseDown ifTrue: [
lastClickDown _ aMouseEvent.
buttonDownCount _ buttonDownCount + 1 ].
aMouseEvent isMouseUp ifTrue: [
buttonUpCount _ buttonUpCount + 1 ].

"Simulate button 2 if timeout during first click (i.e. tap & hold). Useful for opening menus on pen computers."
(buttonDownCount = 1 and: [ buttonUpCount = 0]) ifTrue: [
(timedOut and: [ sendMouseButton2Activity and: [ distance = 0]]) ifTrue: [
aHand dontWaitForMoreClicks.
clickClient mouseButton2Activity.
^ false ].
"If we have already moved, then it won't be a double or triple click... why wait?"
(timedOut or: [distance > 0]) ifTrue: [
aHand dontWaitForMoreClicks.
ifNotNil: [ self didDrag ]
ifNil: [ self didClick ].
^ false ]].

"If we're over triple click, or timed out, or mouse moved, don't allow more clicks."
(buttonDownCount = 4 or: [ timedOut or: [ distance > 0 ]]) ifTrue: [
aHand dontWaitForMoreClicks.
^ false ].

"Simple click."
(buttonDownCount = 1 and: [ buttonUpCount = 1 ]) ifTrue: [
self didClick ].

"Click & hold"
(buttonDownCount = 2 and: [ buttonUpCount = 1]) ifTrue: [
self didClickAndHalf ].

"Double click."
(buttonDownCount = 2 and: [ buttonUpCount = 2]) ifTrue: [
self didDoubleClick ].

"Double click & hold."
(buttonDownCount = 3 and: [ buttonUpCount = 2]) ifTrue: [
self didDoubleClickAndHalf ].

"Triple click"
(buttonDownCount = 3 and: [ buttonUpCount = 3]) ifTrue: [
self didTripleClick ].

"This means: if a mouseDown, then don't further process this event (so we can turn it into a double or triple click on next buttonUp)"
^ aMouseEvent isMouseDown! !

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