The natvis generator inserts comments before the xml node, which is invalid and causes parsing to fail.
Reproduction steps
- Using VS2022
- Add the generated natvis to your project
- Go to Tools -> Options -> Debugger -> Output Window
- Set Natvis diagnostic messages to verbose
- Attempt to debug project and have natvis work
json\nlohmann_json.natvis(4,3): Fatal error: Invalid xml declaration.
appears in the output window
Opening up the generated natvis in the editor within visual studio shows a red squiggly, hovering over it reveals:
Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must
be the first node in the document and no white space
characters are allowed to appear before it.
Expected vs. actual results
generated natvis starts with:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
generated natvis starts with:
<!-- * * * * * * * * AUTO-GENERATED FILE * * * * * * * * -->
<!-- Edit ./tools/generate_natvis/nlohmann_json.natvis.j2 -->
<!-- * * * * * * * * AUTO-GENERATED FILE * * * * * * * * -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Minimal code example
No response
Error messages
`json\nlohmann_json.natvis(4,3): Fatal error: Invalid xml declaration.`
Compiler and operating system
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 Version 17.4.2
Library version
- The bug also occurs if the latest version from the
branch is used. - I can successfully compile and run the unit tests.