dumping a small number_float just outputs 0.000000 #37
I expected that small doubles would be represented in dumped JSON as a javascript number in scientific notation, but instead it just appears as 0.000000
#include <iostream>
#include "json.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
main() {
double d = 1.23456e-89;
json j = d;
std::cout << "d=" << d << " j=" << j << std::endl;
Expected output: d=1.23456e-89 j=1.23456e-89
Actual output: d=1.23456e-89 j=0.000000
Looking at the json code, it appears this is due to using std::to_string()
for all numbers, which is equivalent to sprintf("%f", ...)
whereas sprintf("%g", ...)
would be more appropriate. To fix this, the dump function would need to use something other than to_string to format floating point numbers. I'll try to put together a PR for this although C++ is far from my best language.