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Deserialization to std::array with non-default constructable types fails #2574




Compilations fails when trying to convert an nlohmann::json object to an std::array<T, N>, where T does not have a default constructor.

What is the issue you have?

Compile error when trying to deserialize an std::array of non-default constructable types. However, deserialization from such types works fine if such a type is deserialized directly (i.e. not an std::array of it), or if e.g. an std::vector of such types is deserialized.

Hence it seems to me that this limitation is purely due to the way deserialization is implemented for std::array. Of course for e.g. std::vector this is not an issue anyway, since there you can constructor the std::vector first and then emplace_back() objects into it, which isn't possible for std::array in this case.

I haven't really looked into it, but I would think that using pack expansion (with most likely some extra helper structs thrown in) would allow creating the requested std::array in "one go" (i.e. no creating it beforehand and then assigning values to each location).

Please describe the steps to reproduce the issue.

Live example here:

Can you provide a small but working code example?

#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>

#include <array>
#include <vector>

struct NoDefaultConstructor {
    explicit NoDefaultConstructor (int x) : x(x) { }
    int x;

namespace nlohmann {
    template <>
    struct adl_serializer<NoDefaultConstructor> {
        static NoDefaultConstructor from_json (json const & j) {
            return NoDefaultConstructor(j.get<int>());

int main  () {
    { // OK
        auto a = nlohmann::json(3);
        auto b = a.get<NoDefaultConstructor>();

    { // OK
        auto a = nlohmann::json({ 1, 2 });
        auto b = a.get<std::vector<NoDefaultConstructor>>();

    { // Does not compile.
        auto a = nlohmann::json({ 1, 2 });
        auto b = a.get<std::array<NoDefaultConstructor, 2>>();

What is the expected behavior?

Code compiles and returns the requested std::array.

And what is the actual behavior instead?

nlohmann::json 3.7.1: Compile error that the function get<std::array<NoDefaultConstructor, 2>> does not exist:

JsonTest.C:33:57: error: no matching function for call to ‘nlohmann::basic_json<>::get<std::array<NoDefaultConstructor, 2> >()’
   33 |     auto b = a.get<std::array<NoDefaultConstructor, 2>>();

nlohmann::json 3.6.0: Static assert goes off complaining that get<T>() doesn't allow T to be non-default constructable.

Which compiler and operating system are you using?

  • Compiler: gcc 9.1.0 & clang 11.0.0
  • Operating system: Some flavor of linux

Which version of the library did you use?

  • latest release version 3.9.1
  • other release - please state the version: 3.6.0 (Godbolt, clang) and 3.7.1 (local, gcc)
  • the develop branch

If you experience a compilation error: can you compile and run the unit tests?

  • yes
  • no - please copy/paste the error message below





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