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Missing "void insert( InputIt first, InputIt last );" overload in nlohmann::ordered_map #2490




What is the issue you have?

I tried to explicitly instantiate ordered_json to improve my compilation time. Unfortunately, it doesn't work because nlohmann::ordered_map is missing ranged insert overload that is requested from
void basic_json::insert(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)

See ranged std::map::insert (7)

Can you provide a small but working code example?

#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"

static_assert(NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MAJOR == 3, "");
static_assert(NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MINOR == 9, "");
static_assert(NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_PATCH == 1, "");

// hpp
namespace nlohmann
    // explicit instantiation of ordered_json
    extern template class basic_json<nlohmann::ordered_map>;

// cpp
namespace nlohmann
    // explicit instantiation of ordered_json
    template class basic_json<nlohmann::ordered_map>; //<<< here we have a problem

Possible compiler output:

In file included from <source>:1:
/opt/compiler-explorer/libs/nlohmann_json/trunk/single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp:22318:25: error: no matching member function for call to 'insert'
        m_value.object->insert(first.m_it.object_iterator, last.m_it.object_iterator);
<source>:18:20: note: in instantiation of member function 'nlohmann::basic_json<nlohmann::ordered_map, std::vector, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>, bool, long, unsigned long, double, std::allocator, adl_serializer, std::vector<unsigned char, std::allocator<unsigned char>>>::insert' requested here
    template class basic_json<nlohmann::ordered_map>; //<<< here we have a problem
/opt/compiler-explorer/libs/nlohmann_json/trunk/single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp:16620:31: note: candidate function not viable: requires single argument 'value', but 2 arguments were provided
    std::pair<iterator, bool> insert( value_type&& value )
/opt/compiler-explorer/libs/nlohmann_json/trunk/single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp:16625:31: note: candidate function not viable: requires single argument 'value', but 2 arguments were provided
    std::pair<iterator, bool> insert( const value_type& value )

My current dirty fix is:

template <class Key, class T, class IgnoredLess = std::less<Key>,
          class Allocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const Key, T>>>
                  struct ordered_map : std::vector<std::pair<const Key, T>, Allocator>
    template<typename InputIt>
    using require_input_iter = typename

    template<typename InputIt, typename = require_input_iter<InputIt>>
    void insert( InputIt first, InputIt last )
        for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it)
            insert( *it );

It's not optimized and I'm not tested if it works correctly, or just compiles.

Which version of the library did you use?

  • latest release version 3.9.1
  • other release - please state the version: ___
  • the develop branch





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