Currently, when parsing json from the "wild-web" there might be small problems like for example an ';' appended after an otherwise correct json. Being able to create a parser that flips the internal strict mode to false would be a great help when parsing these kinds of json sources.
"static basic_json parse" function around line 6608 in json.hpp calls the internal parser with a "hardcoded" 'true' for the strict mode parameter.
If we could somehow make it possible to instantiate a json parser which uses false here, that would be really useful.
The function looks like this:
static basic_json parse(detail::input_adapter&& i,
const parser_callback_t cb = nullptr,
const bool allow_exceptions = true)
basic_json result;
parser(i, cb, allow_exceptions).parse(true, result);
return result;
It's the parser(i, cb, allow_exceptions).parse(true, result);
I would like to be able to be:
parser(i, cb, allow_exceptions).parse(false, result);
Regards Martin