If I'm not mistaken, the user-defined literals are outside the nlohmann namespace. This means if the header is included twice, there will be a conflict. My use-case (or rather the library I'm contributing to) looks something like this:
// Remove the include guards because third-parties may have included their own
// version of nlohmann::json.
#define nlohmann library_internal_nlohmann_3_4_0
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
The idea is that because the namespace is renamed to something that will not conflict, the library can be included multiple times. Previously, we would grab nlohmann_json as an external project and patch the user-defined literals out; however since we are moving to using find_package
only, this is not possible (or would be ugly).
There is a downside to this: it would obviously break backwards compatibility. However, including it would be simple if it looked something like this:
namespace nlohmann {
inline namespace literals {
// ... define literals here
Then in user-code:
using namespace nlohmann::literals; // does not pollute global namespace
I am only 50/50 for this idea and would like to hear your thoughts.